Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hump it up!

Horns to the air and churn those hips, rawwwrrrrrrr it is hump day and as we crest the week into the downhill section we need to tuck in to get maximum wind co-efficiency to make it to the finish line. I am finally feeling better and my cold is moving on; although our weather is back in chilly mode dropping into the 30-40's at night which makes it hard to come back from being sick.
OK  in the news today is yet another story revolving around Iran's "elite" Quds force which is a wing of the "powerful" Revolutionary Guard and how they are poised to attack the USA here and abroad; I just have to ask this simple question, what the fuck makes them "elite" or "powerful"? Iran hasn't fought a major war since the sand tug of war with Iraq in the 80's and one naval battle with the USA in '88 during Operation Praying Mantis when the "small and weak" Iranian navy got sunk by our "totally kick ass" Navy guys and "bad to the fucking bone" Marine dudes. I think the press blows up Iran's capabilities by associating these descriptive tags and monikers to the various military agencies to give them self esteem and personal self worth and until I can see Iran's "powerful" Revolutionary Guard do anything more than round up little boys from poor Iranian neighborhoods to form un-armed human waves they send against enemy positions these guys are nothing more than armed boy scouts with fancy marching skills. Is it time we start adding tags to our military like "molten mayhem" SEAL's or "disturbingly deadly" Rangers to give the impression that they are really mean and not to be messed with? Or does their work speak for itself? Rock on!

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