Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What Have I Been Doing? Funny You Ask That...

I have been teaching myself Blender and making spaceships in the process. Made a buzz bomb too as well as a bunch of buildings. Geeky shit I know, but when I get Poser back up and running I will use my own models for a change, at least on some stuff, making people and animals/creatures is a whole other story. I am out for a few today, rock on!

Pakistan Is A Muslim Model Of Insanity

In 2011 943 women were murdered in what are called "honor killings" in Pakistan. Maybe they should try a bitch slap instead? No info on the 2012 statistics but I came across a story of 3 women who died this week in Pakistan from a honor killing and it got me thinking. Insane shit it is...