Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why Is Harry Reid An Idiot?

Anytime you hear Harry Reid repeat something more than 3 times you know he is lying or showing the nation how stupid he is.
In his latest offering he calls the Tea Party anarchists. Does this fucking moron know what an anarchist is? His own party the Democrat party sided openly with the Occupy movement and if those goons were not full of anarchists(besides the commies & other freaks), Harry Reid is the mother fucking Wizard of Oz. God damn he is stupid and people keep voting this guy in.

Al-Shabab Sends Its Message Of Love

Muslim terrorists fucking shit up in Kenya and now Al-Shabab is saying some of the guys involved are from America. Now a while back I responded here and on YouTube to The Patriot Nurse about the impending civil war and the battle of the government VS the people. If Muslims are attacking malls in Kenya why cant they do that here? And I stand by my comment that civil unrest and civil war are 2 different things, and while shit can hit the fan yes, having this country meltdown to the point that we all fight the military is a bit Hollywood but having a mall near you shot up by peace loving Islamists is very real and very possible.
The fact that Muslim training camps exist in the U.S. and people are worried about FEMA  kills me and those are the creetins I worry about. People like The Patriot Nurse(The Cut & Run Nurse as I call her) will deny the truth while prayer rugs are being tossed around like party favors and the real problem arises.