Wednesday, April 23, 2014

MDF 2014 - One Step Closer To Reality

I have my tickets for Friday and Saturday at the Edison stage and as of the last hour, I now have a room thanks to my friend Jackie who is a local. I needed real time info and not b.s. and she delivered. Next up is a plane ride...


Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday Is Upon The World Of Tyranny

Waking up to the norm of today, Russia spreading their disease and who is really falling for the propaganda? I am starting to think the rightwing-Nazi stuff is being done by the Russians, like the rest of the stuff they have done. Am I only one who see's this?

Friday, April 18, 2014

New Johnny Depp Movie

I saw an ad for a new Johnny Depp movie, and one of the critic quotes was "thought provoking". The only thought I have is will he use his fake accent?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hey Putin

Russian speaking people are not safe in California, now what?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Airport is closed! At least until the storm passes...

Airport is closed! At least until the storm passes...

I am hearing my flight is delayed & it looks like shit...

On my way home from Austin, Texas and this past we...

On my way home from Austin, Texas and this past weekend was fucking awesome . Update later today.

Friday, April 11, 2014

I am in Austin, TX for MotoGP & The Metal Alliance...

I am in Austin, TX for MotoGP & The Metal Alliance Tour waiting for my lady to get here so we can get on the road. Woohoo!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

About to take off, next stop AUSTIN!

About to take off, next stop AUSTIN!

I am on my way to Austin, Texas and waiting for my...

I am on my way to Austin, Texas and waiting for my plane, 1 more hour. I cant wait to see my lady and have a kick ass weekend.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Liberals Sleep While Russia Loots Ukraine

Ok no holds barred, nothing PC about this one, our liberal world has given us the Russia of old and we slide back into a pre-1940's groove in America, just who will start the next big war? Liberals I am talking to you, are you watching what the fuck is going on? This is the world you have created...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dave Gregg - A Rockers Rocker

R.I.P. Dave Gregg

Dave Gregg of D.O.A. has passed away at 55. These guys rocked like no other punk band and for some reason that seemed to be a Canadian thing. As much an influence as T.S.O.L., Agent Orange, D.O.A. helped me realize you didn't have to be Van Halen or Boston to be a rocker. Here is Dave doing what he did most, playing guitar in mid-air on the cover of Ink Disease, circa 1987. I have long considered D.O.A. to be Canada's greatest rock band, nothing will ever change that...

Steven Seagal Admits To Homosexual Affair With Vlad Putin

Steven Seagal has come out in defense of his gay lover while shooting a homosexual love story in Russia, according to Stevie, "Vladdy is like an angel sent to protect Russian speaking people throughout the world, and furthermore Mexico has every right to protect the Spanish speaking persons of Norwalk, California and Armenian troops should be allowed to protect the Armenians of Glendale, California as they are all over the place, yes".
Just because you might not like the current president we have, doesn't mean give the enemy a reach around. Steven Seagal  is the worse kind of Hollywood cretin, every bit the same as Sean Penn they both could really be a hot item, except for that Putin guy...

Those lips kiss Russian ass...