Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Russell Brand - Retard Leader Of The Hipster Generation

Moronic Russell Brand made an extreme claim on Youtube saying the following in response to a Fox News Op-Ed about bombing ISIS in Iraq; “When they do these bombings, it creates more insurgents, that’s what creates them,” Brand insisted. “Don’t think of a bomb as going down there and destroying stuff, think of it as like a seed that goes into the ground, and grows insurgents out of it, it creates more terrorism, doing it.”
Can somebody tell this assclown nobody has bombed them yet and they have taken 1/2 of Iraq and 1/2 of Syria. I think Mr. Brand is in the '70's still...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I Have Been Busy

I have been working on the area where my container will be going and today I have brought home my streetbike so that I can start working on it's new identity...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday Is Good...

I have been spending time working on my backyard and that means less time here posting angry stuff or music that nobody really cares about anymore, my apologies. In the next few days I will have a custom storage container delivered and I am creating the landing area and room for the truck to get in and out. This has been a project of mine the last 2 weeks and I am doing the work of 5 people, finally I can see the big picture and 1/2 my yard is kick ass.
Now I must have stuff hauled off...