Sunday, December 8, 2013

What World Is In Your Mind?

 This is a space station and 4 different ships I designed in Blender, ever since I was a kid I was fascinated with Sci-Fi and spaceflight in general, so it is natural I gravitated to making this kind of stuff once the basic operation of Blender became normal activity.
My models are going to be used in a animation I am working on, mostly in background shots, but it is a start. I am slowly getting to the level that I can build better models and it is more fun to build than hunt them.


Products Of Boredom...

 I was stuck here waiting for a ride yesterday and was looking at some wicked effects boxes and synths an old friend is making so I did what any pop culture toy fiend would do. Here is an almost 1.5 inch tall (or long if laying in the business position) noise/effects box.
The SB Replica doesn't do much but sit there and look cool, I was thinking of an amp next maybe but I have other stuff to finish too. We will see...