Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dave Gregg - A Rockers Rocker

R.I.P. Dave Gregg

Dave Gregg of D.O.A. has passed away at 55. These guys rocked like no other punk band and for some reason that seemed to be a Canadian thing. As much an influence as T.S.O.L., Agent Orange, D.O.A. helped me realize you didn't have to be Van Halen or Boston to be a rocker. Here is Dave doing what he did most, playing guitar in mid-air on the cover of Ink Disease, circa 1987. I have long considered D.O.A. to be Canada's greatest rock band, nothing will ever change that...

Steven Seagal Admits To Homosexual Affair With Vlad Putin

Steven Seagal has come out in defense of his gay lover while shooting a homosexual love story in Russia, according to Stevie, "Vladdy is like an angel sent to protect Russian speaking people throughout the world, and furthermore Mexico has every right to protect the Spanish speaking persons of Norwalk, California and Armenian troops should be allowed to protect the Armenians of Glendale, California as they are all over the place, yes".
Just because you might not like the current president we have, doesn't mean give the enemy a reach around. Steven Seagal  is the worse kind of Hollywood cretin, every bit the same as Sean Penn they both could really be a hot item, except for that Putin guy...

Those lips kiss Russian ass...