Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hump Day For The Employed Masses

Middle of the week and here we are staring 2 more days after today and it will be party time, unless you do that shit for a living and need a break. Horns to the air and grind them hips if you are working and enjoy your paycheck, rock on.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Running Late And I found This

No time today for picking on domestic boobs or foreign antagonists; I found "Shark Tracker" this morning and not even civil unrest will ruin my day now. Link below and when I say rock on, I mean, rock on!

Monday, July 29, 2013

It Is Monday In Most Parts Of The World

Today I am looking high and low for work and encountering efforts by my former employer to hinder my ability to find suitable employment, I had been working for a distributor that supplies a lot of motorcycle shops and retail accessory locations and if I go to a shop I might be inclined to cease doing business with them, which very well might happen since they never really have inventory on hand or can get out of stock items in a timely fashion, this is the Amazon age and waiting 3-6 weeks on product that should be on the shelf in the first place is a joke.
Time for me to hit the road, rock on!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Some Of Us Are George Zimmerman

 Bob Seay of Lamar, Colorado claims he is not Trayvon Martin but according to a recent Facebook post, he knows murder when he sees it. Fuck you hoodie boy, Trayvon Martin was a thug, T-H-U-G, or wanted to be a thug and he got shot by a non-black. The anger of the black community seems to stem from the fact another black did not shoot the gangsta playa known as Trayvon. Blacks are only upset when non-blacks do the killing, blacks are the most racist people in America today. Gone are the days of the Klan and in with the THUGS.
Wake up black people you are killing each other and getting mad when another race gets in on it.
Young people of America read this; if a 6 foot tall kid of any race gives me what George got he will in turn receive what Trayvon got, I hope this makes sense to the younger generation and not just angry black folk. Thug life isn't so cool when you are pushing up daisies.
Bobby Seay wrote his Facebook post in protest of "Stand Your Ground" laws which make murdering someone easier. George Zimmerman claimed self defense the whole time so Bobby must not have paid attention to the trial it would seem. Now for those in countries or states here for that matter who do not know what "stand your ground" means it goes like this; here in California if someone comes on to your property or in your house you have to run. As in escape. You basically have to allow whomever it is to steal or try to injure you and then you are allowed to call the police. Now this is where it gets tricky, the cops here might not show up, so what are you to do? RUN! That's right you must escape until help arrives or the criminals leave which is usually how it happens. Now in some states people said fuck this shit and made a law that's says you do not have to flee, you may STAND YOUR GROUND. I like that law. I had property stolen from my house last year and because the police could not or would not show up the criminals came back that night to get more. The police would take 45 minutes to come out to see why an angry white guy has a rifle in his front yard.
Wear a hoodie all you want, act a fool all you want, come to my house and I will stand my ground.
Bob Seay of Lamar, Colorado I ask this of you; how many people have been "murdered" by others invoking a "stand your ground" law versus gang style murder? I will go out on a limb here on this one Bobby, I am willing to bet in the last 10 years more people have been killed by NFL players using guns than by common folk using the "stand your ground" law.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Phony Is What Phony Does

The Benghazi incident, IRS targeting conservative political groups and DOJ journalist wire tapping's are all phony scandals according to the President of the United States. Perhaps his time in office has been phony? 4 people died in Libya and to this day nothing has been done about it, Hillary Clinton summed up the Democratic position best at her testimony on the Benghazi attack, "what difference does it make"? Phony stands in front of the nation and comforts the family of a fallen thug, phony tells people daily that his lack of actions in Benghazi is the right thing to do, phony tells you he is transparent and then uses the IRS & DOJ as his political tools of righteousness.
I can say this much without sounding phony, rock on!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Roger Waters - The Ol' Git Is Off His Rocker

One of the founders of the band Pink Floyd Roger Waters hates Jews and while it is quite hipster to be an anti-Semite these days it is interesting to note that his hatred falls in line with propaganda spread by the KGB and I have to ask the question; is Roger Waters a Communist? Surely hipster intellects will find his anti-Jew actions appealing and as they listen to his musical dribbling's images of Anonymous pop up in their minds and little smiles emerge on their collective faces. Fuck Roger Waters and the British Mandate; talk about a creepy cracka...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ammo In Stock

Today I was able to purchase ammo for the first time in many months and it felt good. Now if Hostess can just get more product on store shelves I will be a little happier.
Getting the serious cafĂ© racer itch and my Sebring needs money tossed at it to get on the right track, looking for tubes and tires tomorrow so it will at least roll around nicely. Time for me to hit the sack, night all.

Monday, July 22, 2013

R.I.P. Andrea Antonelli

Italian World Supersport rider Andrea Antonelli had a get off in the rain during the opening lap of this past weekends race in Moscow and was struck by another rider. The track had a lot of standing water and visibility from tire spray was very poor; rain tires have come along way but when visibility is as bad as it was there, track officials and the FIM have to realize this and make better decisions. Racing is dangerous enough without the added effects of mother nature and wet races are part of the sport, however you cannot ignore rider safety.
I am off to hit the streets in search of that elusive job, rock on.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dear President Obama

It is a reality that young black men target white people for crimes yet they are not considered hate crimes, it is also a reality that young black men kill each other daily and nobody in the "Black Community" speaks up. Blacks kill whites because of the color of their skin period. Blacks are racist and practice it daily. Mr. President a white woman in Georgia recently had her white babies brains blown out of his toddler skull after she begged for the black 17 year old to not shoot her 13 month old child, this was a racially motivated crime but because it was a white woman it gets swept under the black carpet. 17 year old blacks have the ability to be dangerous, sorry to inform you Mr. President.

Friday, July 19, 2013


fixing the petcock o-ring on this bad boy today.

*Captured nuts in the tank are loose and I cannot break the screws free, new tank time...

Sir Charles Says Sit Down

Charles Barkley has tossed in his 2 cents on the Zimmerman affair and even he says the jury got it right; now if people could just calm down and stop the protesting and looting we can have skittles and Arizona iced tea. More protests scheduled for this weekend.
I took a trip into a local bike shop for an o-ring yesterday so my little backyard bomber will be repaired today and ready to chase rabbits and get chased by mountain lions this weekend. I will be missing Laguna Seca and motoGP again this year and will have to watch it elsewhere, like in a bar getting smashed. Depressing.
I must be departing now and I hope you all have a wonderful day/evening and rock on!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Rolling Stone Magazine Has Always Sucked

People here in the USA are just now figuring out that Rolling Stone magazine sucks and I told you so, about 20 years a go. I have to get dressed now and get on the road to look for work in this hostile environment, rock the fuck on.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hump Day For The Lucky

Horns and hips flying it is Hump Day and that is the middle of the week, grind away and let the party begin. Rock on!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Taco Party Today

Tuesday in SoCal means tacos for everyone and that makes people here smile just that much more. However if you are protesting about Trayvon Martins death and the outcome of the trial of George Zimmerman you might be frowning and eating something else. The DOJ now want a piece of the action; what better way to draw fire from their own fuck ups right? Eric Holder might be happy about it, after all Trayvon could have been his son too...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Creepy Ass Cracker Gets Off

George Zimmerman has been found not guilty and people are pissed. A 17 year old is dead and there are some who act as if Trayvon Martin was a good kid with the world ahead of him. Sorry to burst your bubble but had the "kid" killed Zimmerman he would have been tried as an adult, kid maybe, toddler no. Trayvon Martin was on a dark road for a while and his estranged parents allowed him to travel on it paying no mind to his activities and perhaps encouraging his antics. Truth is Trayvon Martin would have most likely died the way he did that night at some point in his short life, I would guess before the age of 21 another "black kid" might have been the trigger man and nobody would give 2 shits about his blood stain. Fact is Trayvon Martin had access to drugs and guns and looks like he was acting the part of a fool being a gangsta and trippin on da crackas. If you act bad ass you are asking for trouble and this guy Zimmerman could have been a black belt in Tai-Ban-Ding and beat his ass and it would have been the same outcome.
People can protest all they want but hoodlums don't care and they are on notice now, fuck with a dude and you might get slugged.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday Is Here - Let Us Get Artsy

Art show is today and I will be doing photography for my friends, wine and tattoo artists will be on the menu and who knows what will happen. Interesting works done on sheets of steel and not all is paintwork, more shots to come.
This morning I caught a short interview with the world renowned actor Johnny Depp and his aloof accent is stupid and due to his bad acting skills his real voice comes in at odd times. During the interview an even shorter clip of his wonderful new movie "The Lone Ranger" was shown, is it me or when he tells the Lone Ranger dude that he will be protected by spirits he sounds like Sir Alec Guinness doing Obi Wan Kenobi, can this guy Depp do something original for a change? Sorry to pick someone apart like this freak but he annoys the fuck out of me so much I couldn't pass up the opportunity to trash him. In his whiny interview he laments the fact his teenage daughter his getting the urge to merge and new boy friends should fear him. Let me guess on any one night he dresses like one of his long forgotten characters to scare the prospective father of his yet unborn grandchildren? Perhaps just creeping around in his Blue Blocker shades would do the trick? F-in Tonto my ass, rock on!

Friday, July 12, 2013

What I Did Just To Get Free Tacos

My friends who build the custom tattoo armrests are putting on an art show this Saturday(Steel Wheels & Ink) and yours truly has been helping set up. I also did the photo work for the flyers and Facebook page so don't think I am completely lazy. Tomorrow I will be using my Canon instead of the cel and getting some good shots. The exhibit will feature art on steel plates like this one pictured here, done by tattoo artists from California, Arizona and Nevada.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cold War Tactics Empower Liberals, Leftists & Muslims?

When American whistle blowers step up the world becomes transfixed and this dominates our discussion and movies are made and the world gets crazier. Ex-KGB Ion Mihai Pacepa has written a book about how the Russian's used anti-Semetism against us to create a world that hates the U.S.
I have taken his comments and posted them here and you can do your own research on this guy, apparently he was the highest ranking KGB intelligence officer to defect so perhaps he knows what he is talking about.
Read his comments below and tell me if the YouTube crowd won't be a little confused;

In the late 1960s, KGB head Yuri Andropov, with whom I worked at one time, tasked the Soviet bloc's disinformation machinery with turning the rest of the world against the U.S. by reviving anti-Semitism. Andropov knew that the U.S. would stand with Israel and that he could convince the European leftists and the Islamic world that America was dominated by Jews.

Andropov's disinformation came to light in 1969, when Palestinian terrorists – secretly trained at the KGB’s Balashikha special-operations school east of Moscow – hijacked an El Al plane and landed it in Algeria. There its 32 Jewish passengers were held hostage for five weeks, during which time Andropov's disinformation machinery portrayed Israel and the U.S. as the main dangers to world peace.

This pattern continued for years, as Andropov expanded his efforts from hijacking Israeli planes into organizing public executions of “Zionists.” Andropov's puppet, Dr. George Habash, Marxist leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, explained: “Killing one Jew far from the field of battle is more effective than killing a hundred Jews on the field of battle, because it attracts more attention.”

By 1972, Andropov's disinformation machinery was working around the clock to persuade the Islamic world that the U.S. intended to transform the rest of the world into a Zionist fiefdom. He wanted us to convince Muslims that the U.S. Congress was a "Council of the Elders of Zion" which conspired to have the Jews take over the world. If we whipped up Muslim anti-Semitism, then terrorism and violence against Israel and America would naturally follow.

Thus, the Romanian DIE (counterpart of KGB foreign intelligence), which I headed, in 1972 received from the KGB an Arabic translation of the old Russian forgery, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” We also received "documentary" material in Arabic produced by the Soviet disinformation "proving" America was a Zionist country whose aim was to transform the Islamic world into a Jewish fief. 
My DIE was ordered to disseminate these documents within its targeted Islamic countries. During my later years in Romania, the DIE disseminated thousands of copies of “The Protocols” and similar “documents” each month.
The fruit of the KGB’s disinformation campaign was seen on Sept. 11, 2001. The weapon of choice for that horrific act was a hijacked airplane – a concept invented and perfected by Andropov's disinformation machinery.

What is the lesson here for us? We can win the current War on Terror only by detoxing the Islamic world of its anti-Americanism. When I worked for the Soviet bloc disinformation machine, I helped foment that toxin.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hump Day Comes And Goes...

Today was Hump Day for those with lives and or jobs and that is about it. Yep.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Land Of The Lost

Forgot yesterday was Monday and did all kinds of non-sense during the day and now it is Tuesday in this part of the world. If it wasn't for frozen Cokes I would be in misery in the heat while I toil about the metal shop passing the time.
I have to give some attention today to an actor that pretty much bucks the trend of Hollywood and does things for hard working people; Denis Leary has narrated the documentary "Burn" that shows firefighters in Detroit who work with sub-standard gear and pay. With guys like Amanda Bynes and Jim Carrey dominating the scene and pushing their creepoid agendas it is good to see people like Leary doing the right thing.
Rock on.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday For The Masses

Egypt goes off today and I am doing chores and yard work.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th Of July Holiday For Those With Jobs

Today is the 4th of July and our country celebrates with BBQ's and firework shows; except me. I will not be partaking in hamburgers nor hot dogs but will enjoy mac n cheese instead and tonight's entertainment will be my bed around 9 pm. I should be without internet soon so these posts will stop for a while until the pipeline returns.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Taco Tuesday

Here in California it is Taco Tuesday and for this we are happier than the rest of the USA. rock on!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Trudging On

Hot weather is on the menu and it looks like rain as well, I will be working on my Element and trying to stay cool and dry. I have been kind of in the dump lately not feeling my best so I apologize if my postings have been less than entertaining. However it may be in your part of the world, rock on!