Friday, May 31, 2013

What I Did Today

Today I wondered about the future mostly or at least the next 6 months. I received a $20 donation today for my cause and that is a start. Still working on some t-shirt designs that should work out and supply me with some income.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I Am A Statistic

After working at my job for at least 7 years I was let go yesterday and I am now among the millions here who are unemployed. Fuck me...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How Does Eric Holder Make Sense?

Eric Holder claims to not have known about the AP/Rosen search warrants, but he signed off on them and now claims he will personally investigate the matter and get to the bottom of it. How do Obama supporters give this guy a pass? If Bush had done this people would have said "told you so, The Patriot Act is at work!", but since it is the Obama administration and his fans are silent or worse yet, not even paying attention to any of it and don't know what is going on.
Rock on!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sick As A Dog

Tuesday is here and I have an illness so I wont be typing much this morning. Tomorrow I hope to be back to normal or not as bad as today, rock on!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day and for me that means taking in some history and doing yard work while listening to the metal.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Look, It's Friday!

Sunshine for the world it is Friday and for those of us here in the USA it is memorial day weekend, where we remember those who have died while serving in our armed forces. I have a national cemetery not far from my house and an Air Reserve base within sight of there so this time of the year it is quite active in those parts. It is an awesome sight seeing all of the American flags on the graves and it makes me think about the people buried there and in our memorials around the world.
I am running late this morning and the road beckons, rock on!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

London Calling

2 peace loving Muslims in the UK hack a soldier to death after they ram the man with a car, on a busy street in broad daylight. It only took the cops 30 minutes to get there after the victim was killed, sounds like police worldwide have a 30 minute response time, as they do here. The video rant by one of the Islamo creepoid attackers is worth viewing as he lays it all out for the world to hear and see, in terms I think we can all understand. Muslims do not want peace even among themselves and you only have to look at Pakistan and Syria  for confirmation on that.
The attacker in the video is quite coherent and speaks clearly and does not appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, just crazed by the words of Islam for the most part.
Rock on...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Return Of Hump Day

Middle of the week is upon us here in this part of the world and it feels good; get those hips thrusting and stick your horns in the air for it is Hump Day! Will you party after work in celebration? 2 more days to the weekend and that is what matters now so let the countdown begin.
Listening to the news it is all about the AP scandal that is growing and gaining speed, remember when the Patriot Act was enacted? People on the left said this was the end of freedom and we were all on our way to a FEMA camp or worse. Fast forward to today and we have the Obama administration embroiled in a scandal that involves spying on the public, real spying and not a fantasy dream from the minds of freaks and neo-commies and their socialist cousins. So much for transparency in government right? President Obama still has yet to deal with the Benghazi issue and the Boston bombing shows a lack of seriousness when it comes to Islamic terrorists that have plans for this country here at home.
And then there is me. My chore list is tattered and torn, I do not give enough press conferences and my administration is hardly transparent. The buck stops here damn it.
Time now to make a buck or two, I am out the door to the day job, rock on!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Black Tuesday

Ray Manzarek has passed away and Moore, Oklahoma has been hit by a huge tornado; live today like there is no tomorrow and keep your heads down. Here in California we have fires and earthquakes and once in a great while in my area we get small tornado's capable of knocking trains off the tracks but nothing like what happens in Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma or anywhere where the big ones hit.
I was never a big Doors listener but you cannot deny the impact they had on local music here in SoCal and some of Ray's best work was actually producing the first 3 X records, another great Los Angeles band.
My flight suit is on and the hyper-sonic Element is ready for take off, rock on!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Nothing Means Nothing Anymore

Monday is here but maybe you are not and who knows I might be somebody else that I am yet unaware of. Gas here in my city is $4 minimum and close to $5 in some parts, California and the "special blend" fuel is a rip-off, oil prices keep dropping and we rise at the pump, a friend of mine in the south is paying between $3.60-$3.80 for her fuel, where we were price wise just over a week a go.
Time is short this morning so I have to kick this beast over and do a big fat smokey burn out on the way to work, rock on.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Rocking The Week Into The Books

It is Friday in my part of the world and like a lot of  you I often look forward to the weekend to forget the week prior and relax a little and get caught up with home activities and listen to a lot of heavy metal. That is pretty much what will happen here mostly and why would you even think differently? My garage is my nemesis at the moment and I am struggling with getting a couple things moved and dealt with so I have targets painted on a Thule luggage rack and my little Harley-Davidson/Aermacchi M65 Leggero, the 2 chores I cannot seem to tackle for whatever reason. No partying until these are eliminated from the to-do list once and for all.
Time is in short supply so I must get a move on it, rock on!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

All The Presidents Men & Women...

How long will Jay Carney last? Is Eric Holder on the way out? Where has Joe Biden been lately? Can Hillary Clinton run for president in 2016? Will Susan Rice get a talk show?
Time to get my blond curls flowing in the breeze while I ride my magic carpet to my most excellent of work places, rock on!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Up The Hump

Horns to the air and churn those hips and get them cranking; the middle of the week is swirling about like a vortex of insanity and chaos, like how I get out of bed in the morning. I am ready to relax this weekend as tomorrow is payday and that equals fun and good times, buenos momentos!
Many chores to tackle on my 2 days off and the heat should be on high, my gate is fixed and the fence mended so it is the garage that needs attention and it will be like an oven if it is over 100.
Shit it is time for me to gtfo and make tracks to work, rock on!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

This Is A Game Changer

One of our diplomats has been captured in Russia and charged as a spy who is working for the CIA; I am pretty sure most everyone at our embassies and theirs are spies so this come as nothing new. Allegedly he was found with "special technical equipment, disguises, written instructions and a large sum of money when he was detained". Sounds like he was going to a porn shoot if you ask me.
Eric Holder is in the spotlight once more with news about the AP being the new target of investigation in the hunt of some mysterious White House leak. Ten bucks his wife says " I told you not to take that job!".
And I heard something a couple weeks a go that was quite interesting, it seems in Egypt you now have up to 6 hours after your wife has died to have sex with her, code blue!
I have to put it into gear and get on the highway to payday, rock on!

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Heat Is On

Temperature here will be over 100 today and windy with low humidity so we who reside in this part of SoCal know what that means, females in skimpy attire! Unlike Benghazi no cover up here, in the heat it is skin to win. Gas prices have gone up here and fall elsewhere, California is fucked when it comes to fuel costs, all in the name of protecting the environment right? Wait until the rest of the country goes with our rules and regulations, summer and winter fuels are on the way.
I will need to get dressed now and roll on to the local fuel depot, rock on.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday Steamer

Over 100 today and hurricane like wind, I am staying inside and f-ing off.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Outdoor Activities Are Dangerous

Dead surfers and joggers mauled by wild animals in SoCal; arm yourselves and keep your heads down. I am running late and out the door.
Rock on!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

F-in Thursday

1 more day of torture at work and I can forget I work with morons; not everyone at my work sucks but there are at least 3 ass munchers I could live without and never feel bad for wishing really bad things upon them. My pay has been cut again and as of this week I have more duties than ever before, I wouldn't be surprised if they had me in the warehouse for a couple hours a day in the near future. Gas prices are going up again too, the end of the year could not get here quick enough.
Time to finish my coffee and get into the Element and point my stuff towards work and my slave desk, rock on!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Here We Are - Hump Day!

Middle of the week happiness is defined here as Hump Day and rising up you can see the weekend just over the horizon, hold on it will be a fast ride. I often wonder in between news of bombs and political wranglings, does the world enjoy Hump Day too?
This morning I listened to Dan Rather tell Chris Matthews that President Obama's detractors want nothing more than to "cut his heart out and give his liver to the dogs". This is the same Dan Rather that had false documents on then President Bush and his National Guard service record, he had a pretty sharp scalpel that week. Anyone remember "Rock Against Reagan" or "Rock Against Bush" records/CD's? If anyone made a "Rock Against Obama" CD imagine the liberal heads that would explode. Just imagine.
The clock says time to move on little man, rock on!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Benghazi - The Little Attack That Could

Benghazi really happened and it is not a good story; how many months since this attack took place and the American mainstream media is just now noticing? Candy Crowley lied on TV in front of millions during the Presidential debates about this incident and what President Obama said happened and the President egged her on to the delight of the crowd, Susan Rice lied to millions on 5 separate morning shows in 1 day about what caused the event, Hillary Clinton lied about who told whom to do nothing and Jay Carney continues to lie. The Benghazi incident is embarrassing, yet not something even conspiracy theorists can dream up, this shit really happened and 4 Americans died during an 8 hour attack.
And the President went to bed.
I am out the door to work, belt tight and running on fumes, rock on...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday On The Run

Rain here in SoCal today and it feels like winter kind of; this global warming stuff drives me crazy. I did massive work here on the home front, repaired my gate and did some fence mending, today I am sore. Now I have a little more security here and possibly the burglars will pick on another house and leave me be. If I am going to be doing more chores the next couple of days I will have to handle inside stuff as the rain might be hanging around a day or two.
The time is here for me to saddle up and hit the trail partners, shoot straight, tell the truth and rock on!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday At Home

Sitting here listening to Ulver and thinking about stuff; how little things can turn into big events, or change lives. I have decided to postpone my trip to handle some things here at home and will go on my road trip in a couple weeks.

Friday, May 3, 2013

just found out about jeff hanneman, R.I.P. \m/

just found out about jeff hanneman, R.I.P. \m/

Fire Season Is Here In SoCal

Smoke is in the air and so are helicopters and planes; every year at this time I get nervous about the fire danger here in my area, mostly when I am away. The wind has been strong and in some areas the humidity has dropped from 80% to single digit numbers which causes plants, brush and trees to ignite without embers, sparks or flames coming into contact. This weekend I will be doing more yard work here to keep my place safe and fire free.
Time for the robot shuffle, rock on!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Terrorista And Student Visa's

One of the Boston bombers friends had his student visa revoked last year but that did not prevent this jack wagon from getting back into our country after travelling abroad. Now this guy did not set off a bomb but he is being looked at for tampering with evidence in the bombing. Glad to see foreigners getting an education I could never afford as a U.S. citizen, not so sure if I am into all these clowns getting student loans, financial aid and then blowing us up.
Rock the fuck on...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hump Day Rising

Horns to the air and hips churning we ride the wave known as Hump Day; are you making plans for the weekend? I have a short road trip planned and looking forward to getting east of the 15 freeway for a few hours to visit with a friend and take care of some business.
Listening to the news while I wake with my morning coffee and the Syrian civil war is coming back into the news. The Obama "red-line" is getting blurry in regards to the chemical weapons having being used and our country looks weak when we just hold press conferences on the subject. I don't think we should be in another war but Benghazi has gone unanswered and making a comment like crossing the red-line, I double dare you, makes us impotent to the world and who is afraid of that?
It is an early day for me and I am out, rock on!