Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Only A Pakistani Could Dream This Up

Ever hear of the Pakistan Cyber Force? Hahahahaha, I know it sounds funny but I found this earlier today and have been laughing ever since(see the pic below). Muslim hatred of Jews is no big news and nothing surprising given the nature of the religion of Islam, but when a Pakistani tries to tie the Pope to Jews and drug cartels you have to ponder, wtf is wrong with people of Pakistan? Or is the person writing this stuff an American who is bummed out on Jews and wants to move to Pakistan?
So what gets Pakistani people so uppity about their country and hatred for Jews? After all this is the country that hid out Osama bin Laden and created the Taliban, you have to ask yourself how does a country that has mainly dirt roads have any room to talk? Nuclear bombs and the like are more important to Islamic nations than the well being of their people. Then they hate the Jews too, but why? Do Pakistanis really care about Palestinians? You know the Arab people that stole land long a go and call elsewhere home? Pakistan is pretty far removed from reality in most cases, unless it involves terrorism. Which makes you wonder in light of all the spying going on at the moment how much intel we got by possibly spying on these clowns?
Now lets go back to the Pope and his ties to the Jews. Apparently there is a drug cartel in Mexico called The Knights Templar Cartel, some call it a cult-cartel whatever the fuck that means, but to a certain Pakistani individual this means the Pope is in on the scam because cartel members are Catholic and we all know they hang with the Jews. Right? The Knights Templar were not a Jew club but a Christian military group that protected Christian Pilgrims in the Holy Land and sanctioned by the Catholic church, not the Jews. Now just how does a Pakistani roll Jews into all this? Who the fuck knows but it goes back to everything that is wrong with Pakistan as a country, dirt roads, Osama, Taliban, all of this is ignored by the average Pakistani and embraced by the proud ones. Pakistan Cyber Force does not allow comments on their blog but the link is below. Read it for yourself to see how fucked up they are in that country, the Muslims at least.
Dirt roads, Osama and the Taliban are the main attractions in Pakistan where as in Israel you can get a beer on the beach while a hot IDF chick walks by in a bikini with a M-4 slung on her back. Give me a party Jew anytime over a freaked out Muslim wearing a bomb vest, bomb belt, explosives up the ass or whatever any day of the week.
Like a few of the anti-Semite voices on the net this person claims the Syrian civil war is a Jew operation and cries foul when in fact it is a war between Shiites and Sunnis so to toss in the Jews is making a mud pie out of the situation. Blaming Jews is how all the Muslims get the world to take it's eye off the ball when it comes to Islam, Shiites and Sunnis hate each other, even in good old Pakistan...


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