Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Slaves, Palin, Bashir - MSNBC Host Melts Down

Once upon a time slaves were used to do the work of many for cheap or no pay, hence the term slavery. Back on yonder in times dark and dreary many people were enslaved, in fact if your army lost a battle and you survived you often times became a slave. During the time of the Children's Crusades(look that one up if you want to say WTF?), boatloads of little kids were taken as slaves. Then one day the Dutch discovered that by going to Africa they could get cheap labor and ship them world wide, yes the Dutch did this. Now before America was rightly America by our standards, slaves were used in many countries, Jamaica for instance, and in that country was a ruthless plantation manager named Thomas Thistlewood born in the UK March 16th, 1721 and he would die in Jamaica on November 30th, 1786, he was not an American.
Now this guy did some heinous stuff like having slaves shit in other slaves mouths as punishment for indiscretions, and more that I will not mention to save those with mild stomachs. At some point the word or term "slavery" becomes synonymous with Africans and African-Americans and people are then taught this in school and it is in our everyday talk, slaves = blacks, far from the truth.
Now move into today's world with polarized political views, Republicans want to put people in FEMA camps so they can take what those people have to get richer, while the Democrats are out to save the world, its a champions cause after all so the one with the biggest mouth is usually right correct? If you work at MSNBC that might be the case, and that is how we get to Martin Bashir.
Mr. Bashir was born in the UK and came to work here in the States sometime around 2005 to host an American TV show on ABC. Now today Mr. Bashir is employed by MSNBC and seen worldwide by his fans who are seemingly accustomed to his brand of name calling and ridiculous accusations.
 Now last week Sarah Palin made a comment that our debt to China would amount to slavery if not paid off, and that set off a firestorm. Mrs. Palin most certainly has a lot of people who hate her, Mr. Bashir included, but her comment was not racist as many have said was. You see it is like this, the word slave and the term slavery does not mean a black African in shackles working for the white man. Blacks, Africans and African-Americans do not own the word slave, nor the term slavery, and it is universal for all of mankind, no one man or race can lay claim to it.
I have yet to hear Mrs. Palins comments, or read them yet, but I will. If she used the term slavery without a black face remark or comment of origin she would be philosophically correct, to a degree. Now what flowed from Mr. Bashir's mouth after Mrs. Palin's remark is far more caustic and it goes like this;
“In 1756, he records that a slave named Darby ‘catched eating kanes had him well flogged and pickled, then made Hector, another slave, shit in his mouth.’
“This became known as ‘Darby’s Dose,’ a punishment invented by Thistlewood that spoke only of inhumanity. And he mentions a similar incident in 1756, his time in relation to a man he refers to as Punch. ‘Flogged punch well, and then washed and rubbed salt pickle, lime juice and bird pepper, made Negro Joe piss in his eyes and mouth.’”
 “When Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate.”
 Essentially Mr. Bashir is calling for someone to defecate in her mouth, and given comments he has made in the past it is indicative of the liberal mindset to do such things, after all it is how they think.
Mr. Bashir is a native of the UK who makes a rather good living off telling Americans how bad they are from our own shores, he makes a lot more than I do bashing a fellow American using the antics of another UK citizen. Here we have someone offended by the very notion of slavery, one that it is an American problem when history shows full well the Brits, Dutch, French and a lot more made big bucks off it before this place was a country, period.
Mr. Bashir has since apologized for his comments, MSNBC must be happy about his ratings after all they get trounced by a scorned rival in one night and call for a FCC investigation, but what the fuck did he say? Why do liberals continually call for politicians to be dismembered, decapitated, defecated and anything else they can think of and really be afraid of Republicans and FEMA camps? If they are so bad ass in thinking up dreaded punishments we cant they defend themselves against a hostile government? Liberals have their place in society and without them it would be very, very boring, but this is nuts when somebody born somewhere else can make a fat check off hating a good portion of this country. Fuck you Martin Bashir, go to Mexico and tell them what's wrong with their country for a change, please... 

Islamist Extremist Group Hit By Islamist Extremist Group

Hezbollah was attacked in Lebanon and they are pissed off and will go after those responsible for the deadly bomb blasts that occurred in Beirut near the Iranian Embassy. Hezbollah are bound and determined to drag that country back into civil war, the last one started by Islamist's as well...