By now you have probably seen the vid or read about the group of bikers in NY that beat up a driver of a SUV that had ran into the stuntbiker when they attempted to stop the motorist from calling the cops on the group of stunters when they did a hostile takeover of a roadway. Now Americas favorite lawyer Gloria Alred has laid claim to representing the broken biker in his bid to further terrorize this motorist and his family.
In todays world renegade bikers can do the illegal shit and some hot shot lawyer will jump in the mix and get their act on to save their asses, total bullshit. The stunt crew started the whole affair and they cry foul when a guy does the right thing to protect his family. Now word is off duty cops were in the gang of bikers and how about that? Makes sense off duty cops are part of loser stunt idiots. Makes even more sense when I say fear the off duty cop like an on duty gang member.
Outlaw clubs have a rule that no one fucks with women and kids and this guy had both in his SUV, taking over a roadway like these morons did is another thing outlaws don't do, why fuck with people in cages? If I was in this guys situation I would have done the same thing and I am a motorcyclist, I also don't fuck with cars or act like I own the road. If I did I would take the punishment like a man and not like a gang member or an off duty cop.