When I heard Russia held an emergency military drill involving warships last week I told friends of mine it was an exercise aimed at attacking our interests and I was pelted with liberal rocks and cursed for the fact I view Fox News; today I wake up to read that Russia has carried out a simulated cruise missile attack on an Aegis ship deployed near Japan on Feb. 26th and a second mock attack on the 27th over a ground missile defense system in Japan, both of these mock runs came 2 weeks after Russian bombers circled Guam, which is about the same distance to Texas from Russia.
History shows that countries that go to Russia to find glory discover defeat, history also shows you continue to fuck with the USA you get a boot upside your head and a new economy in your lap, Russia if you continue to act like Soviet era times are back your people will suffer greatly and the new revolution will be at the doorstep of the beloved Kremlin.
Bring Iran, North Korea and Venezuela into the mix and we have an interesting bunch of goons to deal with...
I am going to the metal shop in a while, fingers crossed we don't get nuked before lunch, rock on!