Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Benghazi - Where Were You The Night It Happened?

President Obama told Mitt Romney not to politicize the then recent Benghazi attacks during his second campaign, this after the Presidents administration went on a damage control sweep telling the American public that a video made by an Egyptian Christian was to blame for the carnage in Libya, remember as long as we don't piss off the Muslims and stop our support of Israel it will all be good, when in fact it was an attack to celebrate the 9/11 attacks that the Jews, CIA, NSA and Walt Disney put together while Bush was in office so that we could attack Iraq and get their oil, tongue firmly in cheek as I type that. Whatever you feel the need to believe in it's your life do as you please, but there was a time when this country did something about a murdered ambassador, let alone 3 others who perished while trying to protect him.
President Obama has yet to deliver on the Benghazi flash mob/video response/attack and remember, nobody died in Watergate.


Dream Theatre VS Me

Recently I was criticized for not knowing who the drummer of Dream Theatre is, so I took a peek at the band and I discovered they have a guy who plays one of those keyboards you wear like a guitar. After seeing this I don't care how good the guy is or how awesome the band sounds, and call me a hater if you must, I don't listen to bands with goofball instruments.