Money is in the bank this morning and although I have yet to discover what I earned this past pay period the cash is flowing out. I stayed in the black from my last check and that's all that matters, my economy is pretty tight at the moment.
Joe Biden has made a pretty strange comment about people not needing AR-15's but buying a double barrel shotgun instead. He goes on to say how he told his wife if she ever heard a noise to go on the back porch and pump off 2 rounds into the woods and whomever it is will leave. If it is someone who got lost or a wandering deer or bear they might die, but so what. Crank off 2 rounds baby and go back to bed, is it me or is this guy nuts? Vice President Biden makes another loon statement?
I understand somebody may have an opinion about firearms that is different than mine; the argument that everyone that owns a firearm is lumped in with violent criminals makes the same sense as all gays being perverted criminals prowling the streets.
During the election a Republican made a demented comment about rape and the party was hanged for it. Now an anti-gun advocate has made the comment that a women doesn't need a gun to protect herself but a whistle or if rape is about to occur, pee on the assailant. Urinate your way out, or golden shower of power will tower in your darkest hour. Will this make the rounds at MSNBC or CNN? Doubt it.
Time to stop the e-rambling and hit the road; rock on!