Aymann Ismail was in Egypt for a family members wedding and decided to take pictures of Morsi supporters when a vandal and Muslim Brotherhood cheerleader decided to spray paint a church with the word "Islameya", which is short for masr Islameya and when written on a Christian churches door means "Egypt is Islamic". As you can see in the picture the paint can got turned on Aymann and he became the target of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt at one time was pagan, perhaps a national referendum on religion is needed there, how about they become Mormon? Start off fresh on a new clean piece of paper and move on from there. Jews and then Christians were in Egypt long before the Muslims stumbled in so for someone to declare the country to be exclusively one religion is a bit fanatic or fascist depending on your thoughts of Islam. Now some might ask; Ragnarocker why do you even care about Egypt let alone Christians and I will say this, history is what it is and you cannot re-write it for your liking and believe for one moment the truth in it all. Egypt could be where Islam grows up or destroys itself, this photo should stand as testament that you don't have to be Osama or in the Taliban to be intolerant of others, even your own countrymen.
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