Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Return Of Hump Day

Middle of the week is upon us here in this part of the world and it feels good; get those hips thrusting and stick your horns in the air for it is Hump Day! Will you party after work in celebration? 2 more days to the weekend and that is what matters now so let the countdown begin.
Listening to the news it is all about the AP scandal that is growing and gaining speed, remember when the Patriot Act was enacted? People on the left said this was the end of freedom and we were all on our way to a FEMA camp or worse. Fast forward to today and we have the Obama administration embroiled in a scandal that involves spying on the public, real spying and not a fantasy dream from the minds of freaks and neo-commies and their socialist cousins. So much for transparency in government right? President Obama still has yet to deal with the Benghazi issue and the Boston bombing shows a lack of seriousness when it comes to Islamic terrorists that have plans for this country here at home.
And then there is me. My chore list is tattered and torn, I do not give enough press conferences and my administration is hardly transparent. The buck stops here damn it.
Time now to make a buck or two, I am out the door to the day job, rock on!

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