Jim Carrey apparently hates gun owners, ones who dress like cowboys I guess. Chicago has gun violence and I do not think it is rural western types riding in on horses shooting the town up, it most likely is gang members, pimps and drug dealers. So why would a Canadian actor that is near the end of his career make an anti-gun video filled with actors dressed in western attire with Carrey singing a satirical country song about Charlton Heston and gun owners in general. Is Jim Carrey afraid to paint his face black and do a bogus rap/hip hop video making fun of gangsters? One of the greatest quotes to come out of this gun debate goes something like this; "if Chicago's gun laws worked it would look like Mayberry and not Thunderdome". Last week in Georgia a white woman was shot and her 13 month old son was killed by 2 black juveniles with a handgun, she begged for her sons life and her pleas were ignored and Jim Carrey fears cowboys? Hollywood gets involved with these bleeding heart causes to better their own selfish lives and withering star status and the general public that goes along with it are Kool Aid kids looking for another glass of the good stuff.
Time for me to saddle up and hit the trail; you folks take care and wear clean underwear's, tell the truth and shoot straight. Oh I almost forgot, rock on...
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