The more I learn about what was known before and during the attacks on the embassy staff in Benghazi and the fact that our sitting President pretty much left 4 men out to hang I cannot figure out how the general public and the left wing media are blind to this or just do not give a fuck that 4 men died, 1 of which was an ambassador and his death was the first of a diplomat in 30 years. Is it OK for state officials to die without any kind of response? Do those who love Obama just shrug their collective shoulders on this issue? So what? If George Bush had left 4 guys in this situation how would this have played out? President Obama says this is now a political tool of the right but he has yet to answer one simple question about the whole situation; who was briefing him on the events as they were ongoing? Who was it?
The left wing press are more concerned over someone drinking water or that Obama played golf with Tiger Woods and didn't allow the press to join them. 4 men died and the farther we get from the date of the attack more people will be saying so what. The greatest statement that has come this President is the phrase "so what". 4 men died in Benghazi and Democrats with their liberal militants could care less about any loss of life and are blind to the reckless nature of President Obama and his policies.
I am hitting the shower station and taking off to attack the day; rock on!
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