Friday, February 28, 2014

Water Invades My Garage, Russia Invades The Ukraine

And now what is really going on? Flooding in my garage and it is me VS Mother Nature, I am on the losing end of this battle so far. The Ukraine however has Russian military creeping in and it looks like a repeat of the Georgian invasion, which means President Obama will be quite furious at those pesky Russians...

Get Ready For A Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

Like Georgia in 2008 Russia is getting ready to roll into Ukraine and unleash it's version of Russian Democracy on the country. Imagine this for a moment all you liberal coffee beans, every time Canada or Mexico went nuts we roll our military in to restore order, how would that fly in the world?

*I started writing this around 5 AM, right before I realized my garage was flooding.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Mini Truck Arrives

Here is my Daihatsu S110P pick up truck, ready to get tricked out...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

City Of Compton

I had to go into a notorious part of Los Angeles yesterday to take a look at a small truck that I am interested in making parts for, and after looking at all the available vehicles I chose a 97 Daihatsu S110P 4x4 truck with a/c and stereo. It will arrive here on Friday and the upgrade parts should start rolling in next week.

Friday, February 14, 2014

My Face Hurts Yet Again...

I will spare myself any grief of the inhabitants of Riverside and stay put at the Rockin' Cat Ranch hidden in an enclave in the rustling hills above the crappy city. I had oral surgery yesterday and today I do not feel like dealing with the cretins of Riverside...

As I Grow Tired Of California, The Federal Government Stands Up For My Rights

I woke up to this yesterday...

A divided federal appeals court on Thursday struck down California's concealed weapons rules, saying they violate the Second Amendment right to bear arms.
By a 2-1 vote, the three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said California was wrong to require applicants to show good cause to receive a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
"The right to bear arms includes the right to carry an operable firearm outside the home for the lawful purpose of self-defense," Judge Diarmuid O'Scannlain wrote for the majority.

This is why I do not fear my Federal Government like I do my state or the city where I live, this is positive for the average American as it is a sway in the other direction in the argument for gun control.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Riverside California Is Nothing But Scumbags - Time To Bail Out

I am 100% tired of people born in Riverside, California and the city itself. I moved here as a kid and it was by far the worse decision I have ever made. Every aspect of this city and it's inhabitants is against common sense and respect to others.

*** A few people excluded and I think they know who they are... ***


President Karzai Goes Nuts, Wait Been There Done That

Many people I talk to about the Afghanistan war love to point out to me that many countries have tried to rule there and all have failed and then they start babbling on about how we are getting slaughtered there, how the Taliban did such a great job with law and order and when I bring up the fact girls are not allowed to go to school under the Taliban the first shot out of a liberals mouth is, "that's their culture", when I explain we didn't take them over I then often times have to tell the same people they don't have oil either. Good to know liberals and the Taliban are on the same side as it makes it easy to identify the assholes in the world.
Now the current President of Afghanistan got a lot of help from us, his own brother even started a drug running business! Ah yes, buenos momentos in Afghanistan! Would it surprise anyone President Karzai would release Taliban prisoners? Get a load of a few of the creeps the good President of Afghanistan released as a gesture of goodwill to the Taliban;

-- Mohammad Wali, apprehended in Helmand province in May 2013. He is a suspected Taliban explosives expert who reportedly was behind IEDs targeting ANSF and coalition forces. He was biometrically linked to two IED incidents, plus a latent fingerprint match linked him to another IED in Helmand province. Wali's personal property tested positive for multiple types of explosives in an explosive-residue test after his capture.

-- Nek Mohammad, captured in Kandahar province in May 2013. He is accused of facilitating rocket attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He was apprehended with several 107mm artillery shells, mortar rounds and improvised explosive components, including at least 25 pounds of homemade explosives.

-- Mohammadullah, apprehended in Paktiya province in May 2013. He is believed to be a Haqqani network IED specialist who builds and sets IED's. Mohammadullah was biometrically linked to an IED and tested positive for four types of explosives in an explosive-residue test. He was captured with his Haqqani commander, Ehsanullah, who is also being released.

-- Ehsanullah, captured in Paktiya province in May 2013. He is a suspected Haqqani network commander who plans IED operations and attacks against ANSF and coalition forces. He was biometrically linked to a radio-controlled IED and tested positive for two types of explosives in an explosive-residue test.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Benghazi - Still Nothing Has Happened And President Obama Lifts The Rug

Hey people that come to this blog to either read, laugh or both, what the fuck about Benghazi? Will we ever do anything about this? Seriously the Obama admin truly believes the longer it goes unresolved the farther under the rug it sits. I suppose this was an inside job too?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Is Here On Schedule

Getting ready to leave for the big city and hard charge into the day. Roar...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday In The Hills

Nice day in SoCal and no rain so that means fun in the sun!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Colonel The War Dog - POW

The Taliban in Afghanistan have captured a British POW, Colonel the War Dog has been taken prisoner and his condition is unknown, the Taliban showed off captured weapons and gear as well and they claim it was U.S. forces that lost Colonel in a botched raid but IASF say it was a British Op. Keep Colonel in your thoughts...


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mountain Lions Of Perris Are No Joke

A transient was mauled by a mountain lion about 10 miles from my home a couple of days a go and traps are being set so they can catch and destroy the big cat. Now I saw pictures  of the homeless mans encampment and it was a fucking mess, and if I were an animal that came across somebody in my living room making a damn mess I would fuck them up big time. I decided to drive out to the scene of the attack yesterday and I did not see any mountain lions but I did see 3 transients and one used short yellow bus for sale.
The bums are moving into hostile territory and now the big cats have to pay for it, makes sense since the last wildfire we had was set by a transient too, give them an inch they will take a hill. First homes now bums, why do the animals have to suffer? Why?

Monday, February 3, 2014

This Is Why People Are Fucked Up In This Country

Phillip Seymour Hoffman died in his home from too much drugs and thousands are sad and it is being called a "tragic loss", 2 cell phone tower workers in West Virginia die working to provide service to millions and they get no recognition. More of Hollywood needs to OD.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Another Reason Potheads Are Not Taken Seriously - Liar Liar Joint On Fire, Tax Truth In Colorado

One of the first things a pothead always says in the argument for legalization is "just think of all the tax dollars the pot shops will pay". The latest news from Colorado is the banks and credit card companies refuse to work with pot shops and it remains a cash only business and therefore nothing is getting reported and no tax dollars will appearing anytime soon. Due to laws restricting banks from doing business with organized crime to launder money the banks have to cover their asses, thus leaving pot shops out of the collective equation and no better than the local dealer was before them.