Monday, September 1, 2014

Russia In The Worlds Eyes

The post below is my reaction to what Russia is doing to Ukraine, the link below is to an article that deals with this subject. When Putin says they are fighting Nazi's, he is trying to gain support from older Russians and sympathy from the world, propaganda at the highest form.
Russia is getting away with aggression and at some point they will look at another country to annex, war with Russia is needed at this point.

Russian paratroopers captured by Ukrainian forces near a village in the
embattled Donetsk region attend a news conference in Kiev, Ukraine, on
Wednesday. The government policy is that Russia has nothing to do with Ukraines


Russia's Secret Soldier Funerals Re-Appear

Russian soldiers are dying and for training missions, a lot are dying. Recently a friend who is a former American paratrooper and I were talking and he related a story about an exercise at Ft. Irwin that involved around 80,000 personnel, and about 4 or 5 died he said, mostly parachute accidents due to high wind. Last week 100 Russian soldiers died in a single battle inside Ukraine, a training accident according to Russian officials and this was what was told to the families of the deceased Russian fighters.
Russia will get destroyed if she wants war with the West, Russia is weak, not a superpower like Vlad Putin claims. They have nukes, like Pakistan and India do, and that makes Russia about as scary as Pakistan.
Russian soldiers are dying, and I am happy about that...

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Putin - WW2, Nazis And Complete Bullshit

Hi everyone it has been a while since I last complained about Russia, but here goes! Putin needs help before it is too late, perhaps Steven Segal his current Hollywood lover can talk some sense into him? Doubt that can happen as Putin is just getting started. I cannot even begin to grasp the level of "fuckedness" this situation is as Putin is once again pulling the Nazi card, comparing this conflict to WW2. He is out of his mind, and if anyone reading this needs help understanding this reply to this post and I will assist...


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Legion Canada Records


Saturday, August 9, 2014

For the first time in my life I am standing at The...

For the first time in my life I am standing at The Brickyard for motoGP!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Russian Arrogance Is For The World To Behold

Russian supported creeps in Ukraine take out a passenger 777, Russia give yourselves a round of applause, stand on up Russia, way to go! Gosh darn you guys are so bad ass, you can gut punch neighbors and shoot airliners out of the sky.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Chores And Heavy Metal

I have been trying to make a dent in the laundry basket and my office is upside down once again, just when I think I have a handle on it, it is out of control...

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The 5th Of July

I spent the 4th at a friends house having a BBQ and listening to various explosions. I also watched an episode of Walking Dead. Not impressed with the show and I feel good not having never seen it before.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Russell Brand - Retard Leader Of The Hipster Generation

Moronic Russell Brand made an extreme claim on Youtube saying the following in response to a Fox News Op-Ed about bombing ISIS in Iraq; “When they do these bombings, it creates more insurgents, that’s what creates them,” Brand insisted. “Don’t think of a bomb as going down there and destroying stuff, think of it as like a seed that goes into the ground, and grows insurgents out of it, it creates more terrorism, doing it.”
Can somebody tell this assclown nobody has bombed them yet and they have taken 1/2 of Iraq and 1/2 of Syria. I think Mr. Brand is in the '70's still...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I Have Been Busy

I have been working on the area where my container will be going and today I have brought home my streetbike so that I can start working on it's new identity...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday Is Good...

I have been spending time working on my backyard and that means less time here posting angry stuff or music that nobody really cares about anymore, my apologies. In the next few days I will have a custom storage container delivered and I am creating the landing area and room for the truck to get in and out. This has been a project of mine the last 2 weeks and I am doing the work of 5 people, finally I can see the big picture and 1/2 my yard is kick ass.
Now I must have stuff hauled off...

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Toxic Noise - Live At The Cathay De Grande Hollywood

I have located and made digital copies of one of the rarest punk offerings known to mankind, Toxic Noise LIVE at the Cathay De Grande in Hollywood, California from 1985. Click the bat logo below for punk history from the most punk place in Hollywood.


Friday, May 30, 2014

Toxic Noise Shirts?


Back in '84 finding a Toxic Noise shirt was harder than getting a gig, well wait no longer and quit foaming at the mouth! Now any punk maniac, rivethead or hooligan  can sport an Official Toxic Noise T-Shirt, and just in time for Fathers Day! Be the first one in the pit with one of these and raise the horns!

MDF XII 2014

Some of what I saw at MDF XII 2014

The guy in the Foufounes shirt is Francis, he is fucking cool and so is Fouf's.

Pork Lord Tacos

Zombie BBQ


Ian and Alex(?)

MDF XII 2014 - Goat Torment

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Andrew Tahmooressi - Time To Get Things Moving

Andrew Tahmooressi has been locked up in Mexico too fucking long and the way he has been treated by being shackled and fed bread and sugar water is appalling when dirt bag Mexicans get treated far better after committing murder here in the States. Jon Hammer another American Marine encountered "Mexican Justice" 2 years a go and endured the same treatment. It is time to make life hard on Mexicans here in this area, below are the phone numbers for the Mexican Consulate in San Bernardino and Los Angeles, they help illegal's to stay here and don't do much to help Americans so I ask that you call and tie up the phone lines. Business as usual Mexico is in the dark ages and they do not deserve modern technology in America, time to down the phone lines.

(909) 889-9836 San Bernardino

(213) 351-6800 Los Angeles

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

MDF 2014 - Solstafir

What a show Solstafir put on at MDF 2014, truly amazing band.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

I am getting the morning started after 2 days at M...

I am getting the morning started after 2 days at Maryland Deathfest, and in a few hours I will be on a plane home. \m/

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday at Maryland Deathfest 2014, show starts i...

Saturday at Maryland Deathfest 2014, show starts inone our and my neck will be sore after today!

Friday, May 23, 2014

On my flight into MD was a group of WW2 vets, damn...

On my flight into MD was a group of WW2 vets, damn cool and it was an honor to have shared a flight with our greatest generation!

In Maryland for Deathfest and I am getting famalia...

In Maryland for Deathfest and I am getting famaliar with the area and in a few hours I will be heading into Baltimore for metal.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Monday In The West

Woke up to reading about some crap about Kevin Spacey giving advice to the Obama administration. Kevin Spacey please kill yourself, call Oliver Stone's heroin connection and pull a Seymour Hoffman, please...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Last Couple Of Months...

Ever since the first of the year I have been almost non-stop trying to get employment, see some races, enjoy live bands and take care of things around my house, the latter being the most important, yet hardest to accomplish. Did I mention I need to move a bike from a friends house? I didn't realize how busy I would be and my communication to the outside world has come up short because of it, yes, real life action.
Today I am doing more yard work and later I will check out MotoGP action from France, as tomorrow is the race. An early morning with breakfast should be the ticket, it will cost $16Euro but I will have the best seat in my house.
I need to finish my seat covers in my truck and get the laundry done, rock on!

Nothing But Smoke...

A fire south of me is dumping smoke in my neighborhood now, if we get a fire nearby it will be hard to tell...

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

check this guy outside my window!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Putin Dishes A Garbled Stew

Vladdy Putin was in Crimea to celebrate Victory Day, a celebration of victory over the Germans in WW2. The Russians were attacked by the Germans but they left their own people there to die of starvation and freezing temps, martyred for future celebrations, and previous to the attack by the Germans they had signed an agreement to rape Poland alongside Germany. Strange bedfellows but that is how Russia works. Don't let anyone tell you the Russians won WW2, they were stuck at home the whole time defending themselves against their former partners while the rest of the Allies chased the Germans through Africa and the whole of Europe. Russians can only fight wars in their own neighborhood. Russians celebrate shit because they are.

"We consider the Russian annexation of Crimea to be illegal, illegitimate and we don't recognize it," Fogh Rasmussen told reporters in Tallinn, Estonia. "We still consider Crimea as Ukrainian territory and from my knowledge the Ukrainian authorities haven't invited Putin to visit Crimea, so from that point of view his visit to Crimea is inappropriate."

Happy Mothers Day!

Now call your mom's!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Russia And Boko Haram Taunt The World

And the deafening silence from the liberal left is amazing. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

New Rubber Friday

Tires today for my pick up and then back to the ranch for yard work today. I have been trying to catch up with chores and get my yard dialed in so I can go to Maryland with some peace of mind. I am still looking for security cameras too, if I can view my place on line I will feel a lot better. It has been hot and dry here with wind and I get nervous this time of year because of our fire danger here in SoCal. Rock on!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

MDF 2014 - One Step Closer To Reality

I have my tickets for Friday and Saturday at the Edison stage and as of the last hour, I now have a room thanks to my friend Jackie who is a local. I needed real time info and not b.s. and she delivered. Next up is a plane ride...


Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday Is Upon The World Of Tyranny

Waking up to the norm of today, Russia spreading their disease and who is really falling for the propaganda? I am starting to think the rightwing-Nazi stuff is being done by the Russians, like the rest of the stuff they have done. Am I only one who see's this?

Friday, April 18, 2014

New Johnny Depp Movie

I saw an ad for a new Johnny Depp movie, and one of the critic quotes was "thought provoking". The only thought I have is will he use his fake accent?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hey Putin

Russian speaking people are not safe in California, now what?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Airport is closed! At least until the storm passes...

Airport is closed! At least until the storm passes...

I am hearing my flight is delayed & it looks like shit...

On my way home from Austin, Texas and this past we...

On my way home from Austin, Texas and this past weekend was fucking awesome . Update later today.

Friday, April 11, 2014

I am in Austin, TX for MotoGP & The Metal Alliance...

I am in Austin, TX for MotoGP & The Metal Alliance Tour waiting for my lady to get here so we can get on the road. Woohoo!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

About to take off, next stop AUSTIN!

About to take off, next stop AUSTIN!

I am on my way to Austin, Texas and waiting for my...

I am on my way to Austin, Texas and waiting for my plane, 1 more hour. I cant wait to see my lady and have a kick ass weekend.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Liberals Sleep While Russia Loots Ukraine

Ok no holds barred, nothing PC about this one, our liberal world has given us the Russia of old and we slide back into a pre-1940's groove in America, just who will start the next big war? Liberals I am talking to you, are you watching what the fuck is going on? This is the world you have created...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dave Gregg - A Rockers Rocker

R.I.P. Dave Gregg

Dave Gregg of D.O.A. has passed away at 55. These guys rocked like no other punk band and for some reason that seemed to be a Canadian thing. As much an influence as T.S.O.L., Agent Orange, D.O.A. helped me realize you didn't have to be Van Halen or Boston to be a rocker. Here is Dave doing what he did most, playing guitar in mid-air on the cover of Ink Disease, circa 1987. I have long considered D.O.A. to be Canada's greatest rock band, nothing will ever change that...

Steven Seagal Admits To Homosexual Affair With Vlad Putin

Steven Seagal has come out in defense of his gay lover while shooting a homosexual love story in Russia, according to Stevie, "Vladdy is like an angel sent to protect Russian speaking people throughout the world, and furthermore Mexico has every right to protect the Spanish speaking persons of Norwalk, California and Armenian troops should be allowed to protect the Armenians of Glendale, California as they are all over the place, yes".
Just because you might not like the current president we have, doesn't mean give the enemy a reach around. Steven Seagal  is the worse kind of Hollywood cretin, every bit the same as Sean Penn they both could really be a hot item, except for that Putin guy...

Those lips kiss Russian ass...

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sean Penn, How About Your Pet Country Now?

Sean Penn has this love affair with whatever is American( as in the United States of), and adopted Venezuela as his pet country a few years a go during the Bush era, having a bromance with then Dictator in General Hugo Chavez. Now that Hugo's successor has unleashed ultra-violence on the innocent people of Venezuela, Senior Penn is very quiet and all around absent on the subject. President Maduro blames the CIA of course for people being unhappy, when in fact they are very unhappy with him and his predecessor and they thought true reforms would come after the death of Chavez when in reality it has become a whole lot worse for them.
I borrowed this from the AP as I doubt CNN or MSNBC talk about this at all, let alone Mr. Penn;

President Nicolas Maduro has done nothing to publicly discourage the violence by armed pro-government militants, loosely known as "colectivos," which are also blamed for scores more cases of beatings and intimidation in multiple cities. That includes a March 19 incursion into the architecture academy at the Central University of Venezuela in the capital in which some 40 masked men and women identifying themselves as government defenders bloodied at least a dozen students.
In fact, since the protests began, Maduro and his vice president have each welcomed pro-government "motorizados," or motorcyclists, to separate events at the presidential palace -- a Feb. 24 rally and a "peace conference" on March 13.
At the latter gathering, Vice President Jorge Arreaza told his guests, "If there has been exemplary behavior it has been the behavior of the motorcycle colectivos that are with the Bolivarian revolution."  He claimed the CIA was behind a propaganda campaign to discredit the colectivos.

Yet a week into the protest wave, Maduro said his government would not accept "the campaign to demonize Venezuelan colectivos," which he said "have organized to protect their communities."
That's certainly not what the masked attackers who identified themselves as colectivos were doing when they corralled about 40 male and female architecture students in a first-floor hall at the Central University of Venezuela for nearly an hour on March 19, ordering them at gunpoint to disrobe and robbing them of their belongings.
"They put a pistol in my face and said they were going to kill me," said Jhonny Medrano, a 21-year-old student, describing how he and several classmates were beaten with sticks, pipes and pistols by the attackers, whom he quoted as saying, "We are the ones who are defending the government. We are Chavez. We are Maduro."
The students said they were made to walk through a line of attackers, some of whom wore university firefighters uniforms, while they were beaten. As they left, the attackers filled the building with tear gas.
"This can't keep happening," architecture professor Hernan Zamora told the AP, crying inconsolably as he recalled the terror he felt. "This can't keep happening."


Thursday, March 27, 2014

California - Home Of The Greedy Democrats

Anti gun advocate and California Democrat Senator Leland Yee, the same state politician who hijacked a land/water bill to try and ban weapons has been arrested, for setting up a deal to traffic weapons, possibly to Asian gang members. Go figure, but what is even more alarming is part of the complaint filed against Mr. Lee about Muslim rebel dealings;

He was charged with six counts of depriving the public of honest services and one count of conspiracy to traffic in guns without a license. He’s also accused of trying to help an undercover agent obtain weapons from a Muslim rebel group.

Another liberal, this time a politician working with Muslims, or trying too. When I read who it was that got arrested I was a little in shock to be honest because this guy has bee a pain in the holster to gun owners in this state for some time, and he got away with a lot of things I thought were so over the top how could anyone not take notice. I guess some of his other dealings were a little more of a shock to the FBI...


Friday, March 21, 2014

A Mans Friend Says Goodbye...

Sifting through the days crap I came across this story of a man named Mario, as sad as this is, in a way it made my day. Friends are hard to come by and when it is time for a person to leave, how do you say goodbye to your friends you leave behind? And how does an animal know when a person is their friend? I copied this but I am sure you can find the story out there.

According to a report by Dutch News, 54-year-old Mario, who worked for the Rotterdam Zoo in the Netherlands for many years, was recently diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor.  But before he died, he had one wish: to say goodbye to the animals he cared for.
Thanks to a Dutch organization called the Ambulance Wish Foundation, Mario was transported from his hospital to the zoo and wheeled around the giraffe enclosure. That’s when one of the giraffes came up to Mario to give him a kiss goodbye.
“It was a very special moment. You saw him smile," said Kees Veldboer, director of Ambulance Wish. ‘It was special that the animals knew him and could sense all was not well with him.”
According to Dutch News, Mario has spent most of his adult life cleaning the animal enclosures at the zoo.

                                                                     R.I.P. Mario

More Russian Bullshit

Pulled this off a news agency story, Putin is either a drunk or has Stalin running in his dreams at night;

Addressing the Russian Federal Assembly on Tuesday, marking the formal annexation of Crimea, Putin, as usual, had some choice words for the United States. "In the case of Ukraine, our Western partners have crossed the line," he told lawmakers. "Western partners, led by the United States, prefer not to be guided by international law in their practical policies, but by the rule of the gun. ... They have come to believe in their exceptionalism and their sense of being the chosen ones. That they can decide the destiny of the world, that it is only them who can be right."

Western partners, led by the United States, prefer not to be guided by international law in their practical policies, but by the rule of the gun... I'm sorry, did Russia invade Ukraine with flowers and candy?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Liberals Praise Obama's Handing Over Crimea To Russia

President Obama made his NCAA basketball picks while Russia's President Putin picked Crimea as a new piece of land to stick a Russian flag on.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Cold War 2.0

Let the Second Cold War begin! Brought to you by Democrats and those crazy Russians...

Friday, March 14, 2014

Russia Reset Re-revisited

Remember the Sarah Palin comment in 2008 when she asked what the U.S. would do if Russia invaded Ukraine? Remember in the last election when Mitt Romney said our number one concern is Russia and all the liberals laughed and made jokes? Remember? Do you liberals remember this shit?
Wait a minute, perhaps all you liberal clowns think the reset button is a joke? The pictures below were from a grand photo-op between the Russians and U.S. following one of President Obama's attempts at apologizing to people and countries we may have offended.  Hillary is laughing because the Bush administration kept the Russians on notice and President Obama talked shit about that, all that was a big joke to her. Mr. Lavrov is laughing because Putin told him this would work, a weak U.S. president means take the country of your choice, and the Russians are laughing right now as you read this. Like all Republicans will be saying, I told you so...


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Sun & fun in California, even in shitty Riverside ...

Sun & fun in California, even in shitty Riverside the sky is awesome!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

This Is When Liberals Need A Righteous Head Smashing - NASCAR Sucks

Every fucking moron hippy who thinks FEMA or police states are here to send us to prison need to be beat down on the spot. When I was a kid motorcycle roadracing was viewed as a vile sport that need not be on TV lest we want our children to die on such murdercycles, so from the time I was 16 or 17 the tv coverage was usually on tv about a month after it happened and about 10 years later they finally started showing bike racing LIVE on TV, I know how exotic huh? Kind of like a kinky sex act live but maybe not as dangerous, and now the bike racing steamroller was in top gear and rolling hard and fast until about 5 years a go when the France family bought the AMA roadracing series and they dismantled it. Now for 2014 there will be no TV coverage for the 2014 Daytona 200. The France family has destroyed AMA Superbike racing in record time. Fuck them and fuck NASCAR...

Map Of The Ukraine

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

And How About Lois Lerner?

Hey liberals out there, your woman isn't talking...

Are Liberals In Bed With Putin?

How come none of my police state liberal friends can mention the Ukraine/Russia crisis? Buckets of sand and holes in the ground, bury your heads quick!


Monday, March 3, 2014

Russia Wants War - Time To Step Up

This is from Funker530

BREAKING NEWS Russia's Black Sea Fleet has given Ukrainian forces in Crimea until 5:00 local time on Tuesday to surrender or face an all-out assault, according to Ukrainian defence ministry sources quoted by Interfax-Ukraine news agency. "If by 5am tomorrow morning they do not surrender a real assault will begin on units and sections of the Ukrainian armed forces all over Crimea," defence ministry officials are quoted as saying. So far there is no further confirmation of the ultimatum from other sources.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sink The Hetman Sahaydachniy!

The Ukrainian warship Hetman Sahaydachniy has defected to the Russian side and is sailing back to the Black Sea. I know some of you will be in shock with me but I could care less, can we go to war with Russia to finally put an end to their bullshit?


Friday, February 28, 2014

Water Invades My Garage, Russia Invades The Ukraine

And now what is really going on? Flooding in my garage and it is me VS Mother Nature, I am on the losing end of this battle so far. The Ukraine however has Russian military creeping in and it looks like a repeat of the Georgian invasion, which means President Obama will be quite furious at those pesky Russians...

Get Ready For A Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

Like Georgia in 2008 Russia is getting ready to roll into Ukraine and unleash it's version of Russian Democracy on the country. Imagine this for a moment all you liberal coffee beans, every time Canada or Mexico went nuts we roll our military in to restore order, how would that fly in the world?

*I started writing this around 5 AM, right before I realized my garage was flooding.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Mini Truck Arrives

Here is my Daihatsu S110P pick up truck, ready to get tricked out...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

City Of Compton

I had to go into a notorious part of Los Angeles yesterday to take a look at a small truck that I am interested in making parts for, and after looking at all the available vehicles I chose a 97 Daihatsu S110P 4x4 truck with a/c and stereo. It will arrive here on Friday and the upgrade parts should start rolling in next week.

Friday, February 14, 2014

My Face Hurts Yet Again...

I will spare myself any grief of the inhabitants of Riverside and stay put at the Rockin' Cat Ranch hidden in an enclave in the rustling hills above the crappy city. I had oral surgery yesterday and today I do not feel like dealing with the cretins of Riverside...

As I Grow Tired Of California, The Federal Government Stands Up For My Rights

I woke up to this yesterday...

A divided federal appeals court on Thursday struck down California's concealed weapons rules, saying they violate the Second Amendment right to bear arms.
By a 2-1 vote, the three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said California was wrong to require applicants to show good cause to receive a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
"The right to bear arms includes the right to carry an operable firearm outside the home for the lawful purpose of self-defense," Judge Diarmuid O'Scannlain wrote for the majority.

This is why I do not fear my Federal Government like I do my state or the city where I live, this is positive for the average American as it is a sway in the other direction in the argument for gun control.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Riverside California Is Nothing But Scumbags - Time To Bail Out

I am 100% tired of people born in Riverside, California and the city itself. I moved here as a kid and it was by far the worse decision I have ever made. Every aspect of this city and it's inhabitants is against common sense and respect to others.

*** A few people excluded and I think they know who they are... ***


President Karzai Goes Nuts, Wait Been There Done That

Many people I talk to about the Afghanistan war love to point out to me that many countries have tried to rule there and all have failed and then they start babbling on about how we are getting slaughtered there, how the Taliban did such a great job with law and order and when I bring up the fact girls are not allowed to go to school under the Taliban the first shot out of a liberals mouth is, "that's their culture", when I explain we didn't take them over I then often times have to tell the same people they don't have oil either. Good to know liberals and the Taliban are on the same side as it makes it easy to identify the assholes in the world.
Now the current President of Afghanistan got a lot of help from us, his own brother even started a drug running business! Ah yes, buenos momentos in Afghanistan! Would it surprise anyone President Karzai would release Taliban prisoners? Get a load of a few of the creeps the good President of Afghanistan released as a gesture of goodwill to the Taliban;

-- Mohammad Wali, apprehended in Helmand province in May 2013. He is a suspected Taliban explosives expert who reportedly was behind IEDs targeting ANSF and coalition forces. He was biometrically linked to two IED incidents, plus a latent fingerprint match linked him to another IED in Helmand province. Wali's personal property tested positive for multiple types of explosives in an explosive-residue test after his capture.

-- Nek Mohammad, captured in Kandahar province in May 2013. He is accused of facilitating rocket attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He was apprehended with several 107mm artillery shells, mortar rounds and improvised explosive components, including at least 25 pounds of homemade explosives.

-- Mohammadullah, apprehended in Paktiya province in May 2013. He is believed to be a Haqqani network IED specialist who builds and sets IED's. Mohammadullah was biometrically linked to an IED and tested positive for four types of explosives in an explosive-residue test. He was captured with his Haqqani commander, Ehsanullah, who is also being released.

-- Ehsanullah, captured in Paktiya province in May 2013. He is a suspected Haqqani network commander who plans IED operations and attacks against ANSF and coalition forces. He was biometrically linked to a radio-controlled IED and tested positive for two types of explosives in an explosive-residue test.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Benghazi - Still Nothing Has Happened And President Obama Lifts The Rug

Hey people that come to this blog to either read, laugh or both, what the fuck about Benghazi? Will we ever do anything about this? Seriously the Obama admin truly believes the longer it goes unresolved the farther under the rug it sits. I suppose this was an inside job too?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Is Here On Schedule

Getting ready to leave for the big city and hard charge into the day. Roar...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday In The Hills

Nice day in SoCal and no rain so that means fun in the sun!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Colonel The War Dog - POW

The Taliban in Afghanistan have captured a British POW, Colonel the War Dog has been taken prisoner and his condition is unknown, the Taliban showed off captured weapons and gear as well and they claim it was U.S. forces that lost Colonel in a botched raid but IASF say it was a British Op. Keep Colonel in your thoughts...


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mountain Lions Of Perris Are No Joke

A transient was mauled by a mountain lion about 10 miles from my home a couple of days a go and traps are being set so they can catch and destroy the big cat. Now I saw pictures  of the homeless mans encampment and it was a fucking mess, and if I were an animal that came across somebody in my living room making a damn mess I would fuck them up big time. I decided to drive out to the scene of the attack yesterday and I did not see any mountain lions but I did see 3 transients and one used short yellow bus for sale.
The bums are moving into hostile territory and now the big cats have to pay for it, makes sense since the last wildfire we had was set by a transient too, give them an inch they will take a hill. First homes now bums, why do the animals have to suffer? Why?

Monday, February 3, 2014

This Is Why People Are Fucked Up In This Country

Phillip Seymour Hoffman died in his home from too much drugs and thousands are sad and it is being called a "tragic loss", 2 cell phone tower workers in West Virginia die working to provide service to millions and they get no recognition. More of Hollywood needs to OD.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Another Reason Potheads Are Not Taken Seriously - Liar Liar Joint On Fire, Tax Truth In Colorado

One of the first things a pothead always says in the argument for legalization is "just think of all the tax dollars the pot shops will pay". The latest news from Colorado is the banks and credit card companies refuse to work with pot shops and it remains a cash only business and therefore nothing is getting reported and no tax dollars will appearing anytime soon. Due to laws restricting banks from doing business with organized crime to launder money the banks have to cover their asses, thus leaving pot shops out of the collective equation and no better than the local dealer was before them.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Music Archives - Now In Operation --------->

I now have a page dedicated to some of the bands that I have been in, starting off with Saints Of Demise, you can hear 2 tracks from my earliest of metal bands, recorded sometime in 1982 if I remember correctly. I started off on drums in the beginning and then moved to bass due to a lack of bassist's in our area and my kit was used for the recording which was done in our custom rehearsal studio that Toxic Noise would inherit by virtue of breaking up Saints Of Demise. I will upload Mammary Collision and KMDRNK material next and as soon as each member of Toxic Noise has his copy of the songs, they will be available to the general public first at and then here a little later.

Toxic Noise - Unearthed, Unleashed And Unbathed...

In 1983 4 cretins rolled into a studio in Highland, California to record 6 songs that would reflect teen angst and struggles, as far from Orange County as you can get and with no Rikk Agnew to produce and guide them, some knob twister would control their fate becoming the first "rock band" he had ever worked with in his 20 some year studio career. The six songs would be featured on the "Up On Melody Mountain" cassette comp and the song "Janitor" would later appear on Mystic Records WGP #3 "We Got Party" compilation.
Years later a fire at Mystic Records would destroy the Toxic Noise studio tape and punk history would be lost forever. Or so it seems.
Now with modern technology and a surviving copy of the comp these songs live once again to annoy those with musical taste and tickle others inner child that craves such non-sense. As soon as each band member gets their copies I will pass the collection on to Mr. Scott V. for archiving on his historic Inland Empire Punk site. Coming soon, A Punk Saga #2. Rock on!

*** Attention Mr. Wolfe please respond to this post for your copy! ***

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Going Into Town

I must drive from the rolling hills that surround my humble dwelling and go into Riverside for excitement and danger. I don't plan on going by the 215 but you never know what might happen...

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Day After...

45 Grave rocked the Slidebar in Fullerton last night, Mary's voice was a bit shagged but they were tight and did all their standards. Nice place in downtown Fullerton, packed on the bar side it was hard to get a drink not being a female so I recommend if you are a dude don't stand at the bar, seat yourself and wait for a female server, the little Danzig replica bartender will never miss your tips. Food looked good but I was afraid to look at the prices so maybe another time.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Thrash metal fan Justin Bieber has been arrested for DUI and driving like he was in the latest Fast and Furious while hanging in Florida. One of his associates said next time we are in Riverside we will give you a call, thanks bro!

Austin, Texas 2014 - MOTOGP Here I Come

It has been a couple years since I have seen a race in person and with Laguna Seca cancelled I am heading to Austin for some prototype bike racing. Below are a couple of examples of what you can expect to see at a motoGP event, see you there!

Current world champion Marc Marquez of Spain, Honda owns his ass

Monster Energy Drink ladies, everyone wants a picture with them

And People Cry About Obama...

A few years a go the AMA sold the rights to their Superbike thing and the France family(the ones who own Daytona Speedway) decided to purchase it and run the day to day operations. Now if you do not know what Superbike racing is I will put it in a nutshell for you;

To be eligible the bike must be a production based vehicle that meets the minimum homologation numbers and engine displacement.

Superbike racing started here in the United States in the mid 70's and at one time our championship was 2nd only to the GP's, now known as motoGP for the younger peoples, and if you wanted to race GP's a good place to start was here in the States riding Superbikes. Many foreign riders competed in our championship including but not exclusive to a bunch of Canadians, Australians and a couple Brits. Now just about every country that has a race track has it's own national Superbike series, Mexico and Russia included, there is also the World Superbike Championship.
Back in the days of old the number of bikes on the grid was impressive and many of the riders were capable of winning the race, not just 3 or 4 front runners. The times and economy would take their toll on our series, first in the 80's then again in 90's and once more in the 2000's, only this time the AMA would allow someone else to take over and make things better.
The France family is a NASCAR oriented business and when they took over AMA Roadracing they instituted car racing policies like rolling starts and pace cars, all dismal failures to reinvent what didn't need overhauling. Today I looked at the schedule for 2014 AMA Roadracing and I see all of 5 races, none in California. 5 fucking races...
If the France family thought that buying the series and then taking it apart and limiting the races, showing said races 2 weeks after the fact would give their NASCAR series more airtime they have succeeded. They are also dumbing down America in the process by creating an atmosphere that Superbike racing doesn't really exist and with just 5 races on the schedule how can America ever hope to have a motoGP champion again?

Eddie Lawson on a 70's Kawasaki S1 Superbike

Eddie Lawsons FZ750 Daytona 200 Superbike from the early 80's
Early 90's Ducati 888 Superbike
Haga on the Ducati 1098 Superbike 2006 I think?

This is what a current R1 Superbike example looks like from Yamaha