Thursday, January 31, 2013

OK this is the plan...

Tonight I am scheduled to shoot the tattoo armrests at the private gallery in downtown Riverside after work so tonight will be the tail of a long day. It is Thursday and that means 1 day closer to our favorite part of the week; what are your adventure plans for this weekend? Some people here in the States will be cleaning up from the past weeks storms, I have yard work to do if the weather holds out and we get sun.
Security cameras are on my shopping list next month for the Rockin' Cat Ranch; due to bad neighbors and the general disrespect of thieves that have hit me at least twice now with 1 thwarted incursion under my belt. How fast do the police respond when you call? For me it is between 45 minutes and possibly not at all, that is the record so far with my local law enforcement agency here in Southern California. Safe is relative to how prepared you are; I am not waiting 45 minutes to make a decision ever again when it comes to thieves and unwanted people on my property, rock on!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hump it up!

Horns to the air and churn those hips, rawwwrrrrrrr it is hump day and as we crest the week into the downhill section we need to tuck in to get maximum wind co-efficiency to make it to the finish line. I am finally feeling better and my cold is moving on; although our weather is back in chilly mode dropping into the 30-40's at night which makes it hard to come back from being sick.
OK  in the news today is yet another story revolving around Iran's "elite" Quds force which is a wing of the "powerful" Revolutionary Guard and how they are poised to attack the USA here and abroad; I just have to ask this simple question, what the fuck makes them "elite" or "powerful"? Iran hasn't fought a major war since the sand tug of war with Iraq in the 80's and one naval battle with the USA in '88 during Operation Praying Mantis when the "small and weak" Iranian navy got sunk by our "totally kick ass" Navy guys and "bad to the fucking bone" Marine dudes. I think the press blows up Iran's capabilities by associating these descriptive tags and monikers to the various military agencies to give them self esteem and personal self worth and until I can see Iran's "powerful" Revolutionary Guard do anything more than round up little boys from poor Iranian neighborhoods to form un-armed human waves they send against enemy positions these guys are nothing more than armed boy scouts with fancy marching skills. Is it time we start adding tags to our military like "molten mayhem" SEAL's or "disturbingly deadly" Rangers to give the impression that they are really mean and not to be messed with? Or does their work speak for itself? Rock on!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Almost forgot Pt. 2

The shoot at the gallery was postponed until Thursday so all I did was come home, feed Loki and went to bed, woohoo!

Obama is angry at Fox news...

News today is our President Obama is angry at Fox news & is blaming them for Republicans not wanting to cave in or be Democratic lackeys, all the while ignoring the fact MSNBC, CNN, CBS and ABC were all in his pocket for the last 2 elections, so much in fact that those news outlets refuse to report on anything negative like the Benghazi incident or how aid to Sandy victims has taken far longer the the Katrina aid did during the Bush administration and now after listening to a soundbite from a 60 Minutes producer talk about how they never tried to make Obama look stupid or ask "gotcha" questions so as not to trip him up in an interview; is that how the media treated President Bush? Not quite right...
 Barack Obama is a typical Chicago bully and he hates when anyone speaks up about his Kool-aid, for those who toss down the cup of punch I say, rock on!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Almost forgot...

Doing another photo shoot at a gallery in downtown Riverside tonight; custom tattoo armrests are my subjects again. Nice little place with local talent hanging on the walls, I will be out late, yeehaw...

Wake it up...

It is Monday morning here in California and I am ailing. Not much got done this weekend as I have a cold and had ripping headaches all weekend, a few inside chores handled but due to rain the outdoors were left alone. I have been dodging the flu that seems to be making the rounds so having a cold is not so bad, my medicine cabinet however is depleted.
Time for me to get the ball rolling and shower off Sunday and face the day, rock on!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Rocking Out

I for one am ready for this week to be done and over with; my chore list is overflowing and it is raining for the next couple of days. Los Angeles Roadster Show is this weekend but if it is raining I will most likely skip it. The truck I have been shooting at my friends shop will be there and it would have been nice to get shots of it finished, we will see what happens. Time to fly, rock on!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The wee hours...

Got home at 1:AM fed Loki and fed myself then fell into bed. Woke up at 5:AM went back to sleep until 6:AM and then I felt strong enough to fall out of bed and get to the pc. Time to shower and roll into work and sell stuff, rock on!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hump Day Is Go!

Horns up loyal readers and grrrrrrind them hips! Lets do this nowwwwwww! OK I for one am ready to kick today square in the balls and make it happen in a big way, I got home last night at 10:PM after shooting pics of a custom truck a friend of mine is working on, needless to say I am beat, more coffee!
 Tonight should be a normal evening for me and my chores list has grown longer, kitchen duty, laundry and my office are getting hairy and troll like so it is time to tackle them now before Saturday gets here. The sun is coming up as I type and it is time to head to the shower, rock on my friends, rock on!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

the UK is now onboard the viking ship...

The United Kingdom have joined the list of countries viewing my nonsense, welcome aboard!

Tuesday - I Am Awake!

Monday is sometimes the hardest day of the week and for me last night was the longest night of the week, helping put a bed on an old truck and shooting tattoo armrests until almost 11 p.m., needless to say I slept like a big baby last night. Tonight will be less demanding and if anything gets done it will be in my office and finished a whole lot earlier. Time to shower off yesterday and kick today in gear for it is time to rock on!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Good Monday Morning

Good morning to Poland, Malaysia and South Korea! Today is the inauguration of our President and MLK Day, a national holiday for some, from where I sit I will be working and thinking of the year to come and getting last years taxes done and how much the new rules will hurt me.
  This weekend was a bit of a blow out for me; I didn't get the number of chores done as I had planned on, but yard duties were conducted on Sunday and the garage was paid the price of neglect and nothing happened in there except laundry. Time to hit the road, rock on!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Let's do a pizza run!

Sunday yard working and I am going for a pizza, yeehaw!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Laguna Seca 2011 - USGP

View from pit lane at Laguna Seca 2011.

Friday, Friday, Friday!

Today buries the week and sets us up for relaxation and recreation for 2 days then we get our robot suits on for the next week. What are you doing for your weekend? Yard work is at the top of my list and the garage is in the mix as I am on a roll and can see my Aermacchi waiting to be moved onto the workbench for some tinkering. Also in the mancave is a Kawasaki KE100, Honda XR50/88 and a pocketbike, they will get new parking spots so I can install new lighting so I can see what is going on.
 Time for another cup of coffee and then the shower; I am out in 1 hour to kick some ass with the horns flying, rock on!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

100% Real

Rest assured loyal viewers that I am 100% real and I will not become a 12 year old boy if discovered by the world and no steroids in my system...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ready! Set! HUMP!

People stand up get the horns up and get those hips grinding, yeahhhh grind away people it is that time of the week and after today it is all downhill from here. Sales are down and as Mike Baker would say the wanker gap is opening up. I am still struggling at work with sales and things will be changing there in a few months so I am constantly thinking of what is going on related to those issues and it is bringing me down. This weekend it should be warmer during the day and that means yard work and that is great for leaving the office mind in the past, at least until Monday. More work on the bike track and fine tuning the front yard will dominate my schedule and before I can take the little Honda out on the track the carb will have to be cleaned and the oil checked, fun for a quiet Saturday evening.
I am in the shower and hard charging fellow humans; rock on!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday simmering like the stew of humanity...

Slowly getting the work thing on; time for some coffee and Mike Baker on the cyber radio it is already a good morning. Yesterday my sales were just OK but on a Monday that isn't so bad, and if I can carry the momentum for the rest of the week my next check might be a little better, anything to get past the payroll tax speed bump that has popped up. I am looking for one of those devices that takes analog recordings and digitizes them for modern times and longevity so that my demos and early punk recordings will live on for the world to experience so stay tuned as the humor factor will be high.
Time to get it in gear and make it happen, rock on!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Toxic Noise - A Punk Saga #1

During the 80's punk was alive and well in SoCal and lucky for me I was here and not the mid-west or worse; the bands around at that time could fill pages here so I wont go into great detail on all but a couple bands. While I was at Downey High Jimmy Hetfield and Don Doty were there and after I transfered to Ramona High in Riverside I found myself in a time warp, wearing a Motorhead shirt then would get you threats and stares from the locals but I did it anyways, chicks dig rebels...
  In those days I was playing drums and looking for people to jam with and not having much luck I stumbled upon a guy named Kurt and he was into heavy metal and I would show him stuff like The Anti-Nowhere League and UK Subs along with Motorhead and Tank and we would start a band called the Saints of Demise, or S.O.D. for short. We practiced as much as possible and at this time I was a Junior in H.S. and I was able to turn a horse tack room into a rehearsal studio so we were up a little on some of the other bands at our level. We played a couple backyard parties but our sloppy garage metal was truly almost punk, we thought of ourselves as a young west coast Dictators and we liked it. By this time I had moved on to bass and was learning the ropes there and things were coming together, kind of. At some point during the bands rise to school fame I was approached by a fellow classmate who said he knew of a band that needed a drummer and a bass player, and we started having drummer issues as our guy went into the Army and finding a replacement was proving difficult, so Kurt and I decided to help out Uncontrolled Society until they could find permanent members, yeah right. Now Kurt was a good drummer himself and he would morph from singer/guitarist to drummer and I would stay on at bass.
  We found outright punk gigs had more people in attendance than backyard metal gigs and our form of metal wasnt going over well with Van Halen fans so playing with this band was ok and we were getting sucked in. Not long after our first gig as Uncontrolled Society we changed the name to Toxic Noise, very punk, very silly, but it worked. We started writing stuff and doing a Ramones cover and I think we tried Faster & Louder but never did it live, but we were in the thick of the Riverside punk scene then; White Flag, Cease Fire and Toxic Noise were the bands at that time and a couple other pop up bands that would come and go, sorry I can't remember them. We started heckling the local radio station lady, Billy Dobler, and forcing her to play our punk on her show that mostly showcased goth stuff from the time, her fans hated us, gaining that tag that would haunt us, people had an opinion about us, and it was always bad.
 Trying to get gigs at that time at the DeAnza Theatre was impossible because our reputation was starting to hurt our punk abilities, lots of head scratching here but we said fuck it and charged on, never playing the home of punk in the mid 80's in Riverside, fuck you Stan Warwick, LOL.
                                                                                                 To be continued...

Monday - Get Your Baker On

Monday is here and it is f-in cold; got heater? Mike Baker is on the radio and this guy rocks, he is ex-CIA and smart as hell, and bitchen as all get out that he is doing this gig. Today I am going full speed ahead with my money making tactics to bolster my personal economy and fingers are crossed, some of our accounts take Mondays off so that makes it difficult especially at the end of the month, rock on...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blown out on Sunday

Not much done here today mostly because of the weather being cold and shitty, so I sucked up spider webs in the garage and tossed shit out that old roomies left behind and forgot to come back for. Next is 1 or 2 rounds of laundry and then it will be time to crash out and face the up coming week.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday, gateway to the weekend...

Sales are down and taxes are up; my check got smaller due to the new payroll taxes being implemented and I am hating life as of now since this will most certainly affect what I do in everyday life. This weekend will be another grooming session on the mountain bike trail and a lot of yard work and maybe a little off roading if time permits. Kick Friday in the ball's and rock on!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Uncle Joe Biden and his mouth...

Somehow the Obama crowd gives Joe Biden a pass every time he shoots his big mouth off; except yesterday what he said may have tipped the nation off to what is really brewing at the Whitehouse. In so many words Mr. VP shouted out that his boss may very well bypass Congress and make an Executive Order regarding the firearm issue. If we made it a discussion about mental health instead should we start with Joe Biden? Taxes going up as of January 1st and now threats from the Obama administration that Second Amendment rights are in serious jeopardy, awesome work liberal goons...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Humping on!

Horns in the air and grind it people! It is that time of the week that we look forward to the coming weekend and a little relaxation. Work is still slow with the economy sluggishly moving like a snail with a fridge on it's back and it doesn't appear to be getting any better which leads me to consider a change in employment sometime this year.  Horns in the air, grind them hips and rock on!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Back in the day...

Shot I took of Satyr in 2004 in Corona, CA


Good morning to Germany and South Korea!

Monday is here lets do this...

Frosty morning Monday is chilling outside waiting for me to join the world of working robots; batteries charged and ready to conquer. Took care of yard stuff this weekend and the first loop of my mountain bike trail is clearly visible from my kitchen window and looks damn good, neighbors hunter cat was walking the track yesterday so it has feline approval. Hit the gas we are on the road, rock on!

Friday, January 4, 2013

What was I thinking? This is California...

Weather yesterday was nice except for the wind, still cold as fuck at night so no nude jogs until summer. It is Friday however and the start of the weekend and with fingers crossed this should be a kick ass 2 days off, getting major yard work is the goal with some grooming on the trail. I am shower bound and out the door, rock the fuck on!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

California cold...

F-in cold here for California weather and I am jealous of Florida right now. The weather report for this weekend is a mystery to me so I do not know if rain is coming back or not, I would rather roll the dice and wait to see what happens instead of looking at what the local forecasters have to say like a goon. If rain hits me I will concentrate my chore list on the garage and the mountain bike trail will have to wait for dry weather. Shower time, rock on \m/

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Return of the Hump!

Back to work for me and this week is short thanks to the holiday; I am feeling good about stuff I got done over the last few day's off, this coming weekend I will test out the first mountain bike trail I have designed in my back yard, when done it will have 2 loops and offer the mountain lions a great vantage point from where to attack me. Time to get my ass in gear, rock on!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013