Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ever have a day like this?

Nothing like walking in an alien cave, and coming across some kind of hungry worm thing, while you are naked...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

you know you are drunk when you start posting pics of your cat...

after not having JD in 6 months, wow...gotta say h...

after not having JD in 6 months, wow...gotta say hi to my friends tantor, eva, max, pam, teri, Q & shannon, i hope you enjoy the show! i need food now...

first shot!

Ok I have decided to watch the race from Dukes in ...

Ok I have decided to watch the race from Dukes in Riverside, Natalie is my server, race is on @ 3...


After looking at numbers, mainly bank account ones, and the fact my front wheel bearings need to be r and r'ed, I pulled the plug on this years event. Nothing like waiting 365 days to stay home, first time in over 12 years I wont be there.  Things I will miss below...

1. Greg Wood's last Laguna Seca race, he is retiring from wrenching on bike #11 and touring in general.

2. Ben Spies last ride on the #11 Yamaha, he too is retiring, maybe because Greg is?

3. Casey Stoners last ride at Laguna Seca, he too is retiring.

4. McDonald's in Salinas, I like grabbing dinner on the way home here, I can see the hills where the race track is and I eat there thinking what it would be like to live there.

5. First year of the 990cc bikes being back in the sport, true beasts these are.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Go Yamaha!

Girls from Yamaha I bribed to stand next to one of Kenny Roberts OW01 Yamaha's. This shot is from last year or 2011 for the calendar challenged, at Laguna Seca.

On the way out...

The truck, once again...

Friday, July 27, 2012

Still stressed...

I have to be somewhat nuts or stupid which ever side of the coin you are on I guess, but I am leaving for Laguna Seca tomorrow for the motoGP race. If all goes well I will be home late Sun early Mon. The Element is not 100%, one of the front wheel bearings is going out, I am taking a hub and bearing with me just in case and my AAA card.
I am stressed...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lost & found

This is a shot of my 748, not the best pic but at least you can see what is going on. I had a bad hair day and a crabby model so nothing worked that day. I am thinking of turning this into a streetfighter...

Bike: 98 Ducati 748SPS
          853 engine kit
          916 injectors & computer
          FBF 1/2 system carbon fibre cans
          Marvic magnesium wheels
          Ohlins rear shock

Monday, July 23, 2012

Morning Monster girls...

Are you streesed out?

 This week I am getting ready for the motoGP race in Monterey at Laguna Seca. My Element still needs a front wheel hub and bearing along with 2 more tires before I jam out. Passes are scarce at this point, for the first time in 15 years, maybe longer I might have to pay to get in, 5 hour drive to see if you are on the list...
This is Marco Simoncelli, he passed away a few races after I took these, this year was to be his season, nothing is ever a sure bet.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Lunch dates...

What else happens when cars and trucks are off the lift

 Custom tattoo arm rests fly out of the Cali Irons side of the shop, and the guy below is always cracking jokes.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The week is almost done...

I had a good day for sales yesterday, half my duties at work are in the customer service area so I make less $$$ than the regular sales staff, but when I have those kick ass selling days, I get good commission and that's what it is all about, achieving the level of the 1%!
I sold my first 50" light bar an item that retails for around $1400 and this will help greatly to achieve my goals in taking over the world. \m/ I am out!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Me Zombie!

So one day I might become a zombie, I hope not because I have been preparing for the zombie apocalypse for awhile now. Anyways arm yourselves and head shots!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Its a work day, off to the races...

I am getting ready to blitz to work, but I might not be me! Just who is Ragnarocker? Stay tuned...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Had to do some shit today...

 I went to RCK today to get my tripod, took a pic of a real tranny. And below was lunch...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Going to work...

I work 15 miles from home, this is the last couple corners, not much to see, it is desert after all...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Brakes are done! Front hubs & bearings are next!

Brakes are done! Front hubs & bearings are next!

Brake this bitch...

I am off to RCK to gather items for a photo shoot and I will be doing the brakes on my Element. It is supposed to be over 100 today, we shall see, nothing like working on cars in the heat. Doing pics for a website that will showcase custom tattoo arm stands, let me know if you need a stand...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A look back in time, Ren Faire 2010

A friend and I at the Ren Faire a couple years a go. Gay shirt I know...

4th of July!

It is 4th of July in Riverside county, which means I cannot blow stuff up legally here at home. It is time for food...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday morning with Ragnarocker

Today I will be at DMV to secure the tags for my Element and then off to work at my day job where I sit at a desk and talk on the phone selling whips, lubes and chains. I am also working on the sequel to Delia vs the Space Worm, in fact it is in post production now, stay tuned. Vacation time is near, 3 1/2 weeks before Laguna Seca and I am getting ready slowly, it will be really cool to see the 990cc bikes again and taking a break from the b.s. of the world in general. Monterey is party town during motoGP and I intend on having a fandango.
Thats all for now, I must have more coffee and get ready to leave, stay classy readers.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I update, you dream...

I didnt do much yesterday except get my Element smogged. Had Taco Bell for lunch, moved some silkscreen shit around the shop, came home.