Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Light them up and twist the throttle time to rip out into the world!
Friday, December 28, 2012
Friday Rocking Like A Cherry Bomb
Here we are loyal readers; the new year is just around the corner and time to party prep. How will you ring in the new year? I plan on hanging low to avoid law enforcement, gun fire from gang bangers and general craziness this year and do it all here at home. OK I am on the gas and out of here...
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Check this out !!!
Bike heads will dig on this, a friend sent this to me; GSXR400 frame, Aprilia 250 swingarm with a Kawasaki H2 engine from the 70's stuck in the package, very kinky...
End of Year Prepping
January 1st is just around the corner and 2013 is coming at us like a drunk driver in a Humvee, even the sidewalks are not safe this time so hold on if you are along for the ride. Yesterday I made very little money but today could be a monetary tidal wave if all goes right, hahaha. One more day and Friday will time machine us to the new year, I cannot wait...
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Humping for Dollars
This my friends is my first day back to work and it is Hump Day! Yes get the horns up and grind away, I am doing it as I type this. Enjoy the day my followers and rock on!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Holiday almost in the bag, well one at least...
This week will be a short one, not many accounts will be open and the chance to make money slim to none. Next week my schedule will look a lot like this one, 4 days of boredom and solitude, at least my mountain bike trail is coming along nicely, 1 loop completed and grooming has begun. Rock on!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday Hard Chargin'
Yard work at the top of today's list of shit to do, and it is getting ready to rain soon. I was able to start on my personal mountain bike trail in my backyard and I am looking forward to getting on my bike and dodging mountain lions. Back in a while...
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Jon Hammar Freed
Mexican authorities have let American Jon Hammar go after saying they would go ahead with trying the American on a bogus weapon charge, this after a letter written to a state senator was delivered. Did Mexico realize that the charges were bullshit or did someone show them how we went into Pakistan without them knowing it? Drug cartel thugs might be capable of killing innocents en masse but our military would have routed any resistance without doubt, but the important thing is he is home in the States and I should remind all Americans that have an interest in safety, STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MEXICO!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Friday Night Live
Hanging at home this evening and it is a cold one yet again, coffee is on the way and it is Command & Conquer tonight. Driving tonight might not be a good idea as this city I live near where the good bars are have cops that are bored and checkpoints in the craziest places.
This holiday season I have kind of been on the wagon and it might be affecting me adversely at this point. Tomorrow I will spend a little time at the metal shop and perhaps monkey with the little Ducati, at some point I need to get some rubber for the rims and knuckle down. The Sebring is in rough shape and needs a seat, carb, wiring loom, tires, chain and sprockets and a few other small bits. The engine should be a runner but I will go through it to make sure nothing is waiting to spring on me, it had been rebuilt by a reputable singles guy so I am 99.6% sure it will be fine.
Now speaking of Ducati's I have my 748 that needs to be moved sometime soon, it is currently parked at a friends house but his silkscreen equipment is going to be moved where the bike is sitting now.
Time for a hot as fuck shower and a bowl, later!
This holiday season I have kind of been on the wagon and it might be affecting me adversely at this point. Tomorrow I will spend a little time at the metal shop and perhaps monkey with the little Ducati, at some point I need to get some rubber for the rims and knuckle down. The Sebring is in rough shape and needs a seat, carb, wiring loom, tires, chain and sprockets and a few other small bits. The engine should be a runner but I will go through it to make sure nothing is waiting to spring on me, it had been rebuilt by a reputable singles guy so I am 99.6% sure it will be fine.
Now speaking of Ducati's I have my 748 that needs to be moved sometime soon, it is currently parked at a friends house but his silkscreen equipment is going to be moved where the bike is sitting now.
Time for a hot as fuck shower and a bowl, later!
Just a friendly reminder, fuck unions!
Apocalypse When?
So far so good in SoCal and it is the last day of the week, got wrapping paper? How many of us will be attending those crazy x-mas office parties, photocopying ass cheeks, spiking the punch and falling into the supply closet after taking a bong hit? Not me, my office party is not quite so nuts but it does come close.
Rock on holiday rockers, rock on!
Rock on holiday rockers, rock on!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Hump day in your face and flying free like the wind in December and as cold as a witch's tit in a brass strapless. Sales at work are 100% in the toilet and at the dealer level it is no better. I hate to say this but we are heading into another recession and things are looking really shitty on the horizon. Hump on my friends, hump on...
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Taco Tuesday!
I read a news article this morning that former President of Mexico has moved to the USA just one day after he left office, interesting...
Ok it is Tuesday and I am not off to a good start at work this week; my sales are down and it is raining again, top that off with taking product shots outside with cloudy skies, no fun. Rock the fuck on!
Ok it is Tuesday and I am not off to a good start at work this week; my sales are down and it is raining again, top that off with taking product shots outside with cloudy skies, no fun. Rock the fuck on!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Monday Post Garage Reclamation Effort
What a weekend; news is all bad and the economy is no better, as I get dressed I wonder what this week will be like, last week I made 1/3 of what I normally make, as we get closer to January I start to fear my job will disappear...
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Garage Attack 2012
I am cleaning the drains in my patio area and making a full frontal assault on my garage, reclamation of the man cave and getting it ready to drywall next year. Rock on!
Just locked up and it is dinner time; most of my objectives met today and tomorrow I will be in the garage again to move bikes around. If I can find it in myself to snap some pics I will...
Just locked up and it is dinner time; most of my objectives met today and tomorrow I will be in the garage again to move bikes around. If I can find it in myself to snap some pics I will...
Friday, December 14, 2012
Hey Mexico Free Jon Hammar
Call your local Mexican consulate and ask why Mexico is holding an American in a drug cartel prison on a trumped up weapon charge, Jon Hammar was taken into custody by Mexican officials while attempting to register a bolt action shotgun so he could travel with it, and has been locked up since August. His family is phoned with threats while Jon is chained to his bed to "protect" him from angry inmates. Please call and keep them on the phone, these consulates are here to help Mexican nationals stay in the U.S., tie up the phone lines so they cannot do daily business.
Mexican Consulate - Santa Ana, CA 714/835.0042
San Bernardino , CA 909/889.9836
Mexican Consulate - Santa Ana, CA 714/835.0042
San Bernardino , CA 909/889.9836
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Hump Day!
Yes my loyal readers horn's up and crank them hip's! Tomorrow is payday and Friday I am drinking, rock on!
Fuck Unions...
Union thugs are on the rampage in Michigan and looking for a fight; come to California with that shit and see what happens...
Monday, December 10, 2012
Monday is here and the clock is ticking!
After work and sometimes on the weekends I like to go online and cause trouble to the Participation Trophy Generation; well it is all coming to an end in just a couple of days, sadness to the chat world. Anyways I have other things to worry about, like drinking which I didn't do this past weekend. That is sadness my loyal readers...
Sunday, December 9, 2012
M249 SAW Gunner Helmet Cam Firefight - Hell Yes!
The M249 gunner in this vid is a mad man and I would buy this guy a beer!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Hot Rods to Hell...
I am going to the metal shop today; I have to give my ride a quick inspection and help clean the place up, my 350 Sebring is just sitting there and screams at me to do something every time I walk by. Scary shit...
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
This is humpday...
Get your hump on and get out in the world, 2 more days to the weekend so suck it up.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Monday staring me in the face...
Monday is here loyal readers and we face yet another week on the planet Earth or whatever it is called on other planets by whomever may or may not exist elsewhere. This weekend Yahoo announced it is closing chat rooms on December 14th changing the world of Metal:1 the coolest Yahoo community that I currently know of. That being said life goes on and the resourceful nature of those who participate in the Metal:1 forum will improvise, adapt and overcome. Rock on!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Friday is here!
Friday is here and that means Celtic coffees! This is Brittany, I shot her and a friend for a local bike shop a couple years a go, enjoy...
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tuesday is Trashday
I took my trash out this morning.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Cyber Monday means nothing to me...
Another work week is at hand; coffee and news is getting me in the work mood and the country is getting ready for yet another day of spending intended to supply the public masses with gifts this holiday season. Have fun you cosmic shoppers...
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Black Peter Saturday!
Tis the season for Black Peter, the most metal guy of the Christmas holiday is getting his list ready...
Friday, November 23, 2012
Black Friday...
The day after Thanksgiving is know as Black Friday and is a popular day for shopping with women and pussy whipped males. In this house we scoff at this pre-determined day of financial destitution and throw dirt on oneself in protest and at the stroke(huh huh huh huh) of midnight we shall bury this unforsaken beast and praise a new day...
Thursday, November 22, 2012
How do you work?
Some people do heavy lifting while working, some of us push pens and computer keyboard buttons and some people do things we cannot see or really want to do, like sleeping in the cold, rain or extreme heat, taking live rounds from hostile peoples and getting blown up by IED's.
This is Lindsey Stone, she used to have a job, most likely pushing a pen like me, but there is one fundamental difference between her and I and that is respect for those who served and gave their all for this country.
It is my opinion that people like Lindsey Stone should be dropped off in Southern Mexico, around Mexico City perhaps. The freshly dropped off person can then choose between staying there or trying to "find" there way back to this country, I just do not think Ms Stone has it in her to do the work...
This is Lindsey Stone, she used to have a job, most likely pushing a pen like me, but there is one fundamental difference between her and I and that is respect for those who served and gave their all for this country.
It is my opinion that people like Lindsey Stone should be dropped off in Southern Mexico, around Mexico City perhaps. The freshly dropped off person can then choose between staying there or trying to "find" there way back to this country, I just do not think Ms Stone has it in her to do the work...
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thanksgiving Eve is a bitch...
When I worked in Los Angeles it used to take about 6 hours to go 80 miles to get home with all the SoCal traffic, now that I am in the city of Riverside it might only take an hour to go 15 miles, fingers crossed. I dont do much for this holiday and with my recuperating groin I will be mellow for the next 4 days off. Rock on!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Monday trucking on like a MRAP on race gas
Monday attack plan is this; make as much money today as possible, repeat the next 2 days. This is a short work week for me and while I do get compensated for the 2 days we are closed for the holiday, I don't get any commission and that is where my money comes from, so while the general public shops on Friday, I kick back and spend no dollars. OK this weekend past I had to "relax" because of a pulled groin injury that I keep aggravating, one more week of laying off the yard work and I should be good. I had planned on a couple "Celtic" coffees on Friday but I switched it up and did it on Saturday after victory on the rear caliper and rotor on the Element. Time to hit the road, rock on!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Humping the E
Somehow I have exploded the left rear caliper on my Element; so today it will be going to the welding shop for a quick r&r session. Rock on!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Friday is here lets party
Friday is here in SoCal and Celtic coffees are on the menu tonight...
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
MotoGP Valencia 2012 Race + Jorge Lorenzo Crash And More Crashes
Jorge Lorenzo crash Valencia 2012
Recently during a discussion in metal:1 that revolved around what form of racing was better NASCAR or motoGP(I know childish behavior); somebody said "they don't crash in motorcycle racing", all I could think was wow... Non-believers behold! This past Sunday was the final race of the year in Spain, on a wet or "very damp" track with a dry line about the width of a sidewalk, and riders on bikes that are somewhere around 230HP and capable of 210+MPH on the fastest dry tracks, you step off the dry line by half an inch or less and this is what happens.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Monday is here and now...
Monday means gtfo and take on the world you cretins; this is pay week and I plan to party this Friday to celebrate my yard work accomplishments. Our fire season is here and I need to be ahead of the game this year and it has been pretty windy already making me nervous when I am not at home.
Time to get dressed and attack the day...
Time to get dressed and attack the day...
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Saturday is get shit done day
Going to the hot rod shop for a while then it's back home for yard work and more garage consolidation.
Friday, November 9, 2012
WTF is racial coding?
I am listening to a person from "Rock the Vote", sounds like a female but they could be male tell Brian Kilmeade the reason why Mitt Romney's campaign failed was because of racial coding. Racial coding energized Democrats, can somebody explain r a c i a l c o d i n g to me?
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Hump day in the mirror
It is Thursday and the weekend is in sight, if it doesn't rain I will be a landscaping fool. I didn't sell anything yesterday, post election reaction in my industry is negative similar to how the stock market reacted by dropping by 300 points, if gas prices shoot up we will lose even more customers. To put it in simple terms the warehouse I work in used to do 70k a day and now we struggle to maintain 70k a week...
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Are liberals happy with the country going to shit?
Obama has been re-elected to a second term and this country should be somewhere around Mexico or Paraguay in terms of economic prosperity by the time his next term ends. When more terrorist attacks happen and gas is $6.89 maybe then Democrats will figure it out?
Election day in the USA!
I am up and atom soon to be dressed as a citizen of the United States of America and prepared to exercise my right to vote. Then I will get a big coffee and back up yesterdays excellent sales with even more today. I fucking love money!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Monday on the move...
It is Monday in sunny SoCal and one day before our Presidential election, you know the excitement is building and Wednesday we just might have a new man in charge of this country. Gas prices have dropped here in California finally making hard earned dollars go farther. This weekend I was consumed by yard work and hunting for a cheap model on Craigs list and I had far more success doing landscaping unfortunately. Rock on!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Just where are my fans located?
Here are my numbers so far for the year; I know I am not setting any records here but these are hits from fans who worship me. Who worships you?
Payday means lunch is on me
Taking a long lunch today to go by a gun store near the warehouse I work at to check out a bitchen H&K 91 sniper rifle. The owner is holding it for me on a request from a friend of mine who shops there, who knows I just might come home with a new toy...
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Hump day 2.0!
We are here again at the middle of the week, my loyal readers give an air grind for hump day! Ok getting that out of the way it is sunny here in SoCal and no hurricanes on the horizon, so we here on the west coast are looking good. I am slowly getting ready for work watching vids of the east coast damage, glad we only get fires and earthquakes...
Monday, October 29, 2012
Monday steamroller
It is Monday and in 2 hours I will be a money making machine, until then I am in my sweats with a mug of coffee. Metal:1 has become a haven for occupier logic challenged people as of late, "punkers" angry at those with lives, one kid kept telling the room he was going to kill himself, but never did. With an attitude like that he will never amount to much...
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Today I have to get shit done early so I can watch the Australian round of motoGP, lots of yard work still to complete. Coffee is on and the tools are ready to rock!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Hump day!
Time to get it on; hump day is here and closer to the weekend we get, unless you do not have a job and then every day is your day off. Rock on!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Blood, Sweat and Gears
I was embroiled in hard labor today, cleared my driveway that is behind my house, lots of brush clearing has taken place. Tomorrow morning I will attack my property that is above my house at the street level and I should be good until next weekend.
Tonight is the Malaysian round(Sunday their time) of motoGP at the Sepang circuit, so I shall relax and enjoy the racing action in the comfort of my office here at the Rockin Cat Ranch...
Tonight is the Malaysian round(Sunday their time) of motoGP at the Sepang circuit, so I shall relax and enjoy the racing action in the comfort of my office here at the Rockin Cat Ranch...
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Wow time f-in flies
I have been doing lots of stuff, real world activities have been consuming my time. Fixed the brakes on my Element last Saturday, so lots of yard work to catch up on. Moving my garage around to start working on my Aermacchi/H-D Leggero M65 too, I will get pics up this weekend to document my progress. Now it is time to get the fudge out to work.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Hump day!
The wanker gap is closing and the weekend draws near. I have yard work to conquer Sat & Sun, if all goes well I will make a big dent and puff my chest out. I sold my Yamaha RD400 and now I have extra room to work with, a little bummed out but I have too many projects going on. Rock on.
Monday, October 8, 2012
A quick thank you to all my visitors
Thank you!
Montezumas revenge...
Not feeling 100% for work, stayed home today...
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Up go the gas prices, out come the thieves...
$4.53 a gallon for regular as of on my way home, California is not friendly to those who work for a living, with soaring fuel costs the gas thieves will be out once again, so arm yourselves fuel owners, it is a 45 minute wait for the "police" where i live, if they decide to show up.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Payday is very good...
I got money, that time of the bi-weekly pay schedule has arrived, yeehaw! Winchell's for breakfast and Tummy Stuffer for lunch, mm mm good. Working in the motor sports industry is kind of shitty with fuel at $4.23 a gal on the average around these parts, if we had $2.50 a gal prices today our industry would be swinging.
Time to get in the shower, the work hour draws near...
Time to get in the shower, the work hour draws near...
Sad to be a chatroom scrub like a dirty Russian
Sadness comes to the chat world called Metal:1, seems a sad guy from a sad country is really sad and perhaps depressed and has his script kiddy antics at full bloom. Poor guy, is that all you got? Russia doesn't have much going for it, I for one am sorry Mr. Russia has no life but it is indicative of existence in a country that is confused and truly behind the times. If you have ever heard Russian metal you would know what I mean, disco/techno/metal is no way to live after all.
Mother Russia is a dirty whore...
Mother Russia is a dirty whore...
Monday, October 1, 2012
Get off of the internet and have a life...
This pic is dedicated to Yahoo chatters that live big lives online and have nothing to show for it, get off of your moms couch, get out of your dads house, and get a life...
Monday is never fun day...
Getting ready for work, I did massive yard work this weekend and still have more to do. It is our fire season and the bugs will be out soon. Did not work on my 350 at all, got lazy and had too many other projects yelling at me. Roar...
Saturday, September 29, 2012
One last thing before I go...
This band kicks ass...
Posers work is never done, or it's a livin thing...
Going to the shop today, Winchell's first, then some work on the little Ducati 350. After that it is any ones guess what can happen next...
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Shit I see while at work...

This is shit I saw at the Sandsport Supershow in Costa Mesa, I work this event each year, come and say hi next year...
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Almost Friday
The weekend is almost here, I work this Sat at the Sandsport Supershow in Costa Mesa, fun. So I will be ready to party on Sun. Fun stuff.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Now what?
It is Saturday, not sure what I am up to yet, sitting here naked with a bowl.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Fuck the UAW
I tried watching the DNC last night, I couldn't handle the endless Chevy ad running from the night before. Buy a Ford and tell Obama to shove Chrysler up his wifes fat ass...
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Rockin' the week into the abyss...
One more day to payday! Hell yes I need food for the house and gas for the Element. Haven't been in Metal:1 lately, too much life, I mean work, but it seems I have fans worldwide reading my antics, thanks guys!
OK it is shower time, you kids play nice and daddy will be home soon...
OK it is shower time, you kids play nice and daddy will be home soon...
Monday, September 3, 2012
Crazy weekend doesn't mean it is all fun...
Fucking monsoon clean up shit was my weekend fun, got my trashcan back up where it belongs. Pipe fixed means running water, Mother Nature can take a long hard suck on my left nut. Bitch.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tornado destruction...
Long time no post I have been busy doing stupid shit at the shop and yard work, so I have been tired and not posting much, low action moments.
Until today! I think a tornado hit my house at some point this afternoon, I came home to damage at my house, caused by high winds pushing a trashcan into and through the water system for my backyard...
Who knows how long the water was gushing, the meter was spinning out of control, $$$. I will be on the phone with the water people first thing in the morning, then repairing the break. I don't need to be playing plumber guy on a Friday, I need to be selling shit at work...
Until today! I think a tornado hit my house at some point this afternoon, I came home to damage at my house, caused by high winds pushing a trashcan into and through the water system for my backyard...
Who knows how long the water was gushing, the meter was spinning out of control, $$$. I will be on the phone with the water people first thing in the morning, then repairing the break. I don't need to be playing plumber guy on a Friday, I need to be selling shit at work...
Friday, August 17, 2012
It is Friday...
Getting ready to head out to work, I see on FOX news Pussy Riot get 2 years in prison for mocking Putin, that's punk, how is that for freedom of speech in Russia? Anyways I have been doing shit around my property lately, looking for old bike parts and killing wasps and spiders. Fun stuff...
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Lost in the void known as RCK...
Remember that song by Kenny Loggins, "Danger Zone", that's my life right now, I am a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker. Hanging at the shop after work is taking up my free time, live free my friends. Stay horny...
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Saturday in the heat...
I am out to RCK today. Humidity and welding shops dont mix well...
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Ragnarocker at redline...
I have been going non-stop since my last entry, which is why I haven't been in Metal:1 lately, although I am sure many rumors are floating around. I love rumors...
I am working on the third installment of the Delia saga, looking for parts to attach to my Ducati 350, and cleaning my garage to make into a photo/video studio. Oh, I almost forgot, my yard, all .95 acres.
Time to leave for work, I am out of here...
I am working on the third installment of the Delia saga, looking for parts to attach to my Ducati 350, and cleaning my garage to make into a photo/video studio. Oh, I almost forgot, my yard, all .95 acres.
Time to leave for work, I am out of here...
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Ever have a day like this?
Nothing like walking in an alien cave, and coming across some kind of hungry worm thing, while you are naked...
Sunday, July 29, 2012
after not having JD in 6 months, wow...gotta say h...
after not having JD in 6 months, wow...gotta say hi to my friends tantor, eva, max, pam, teri, Q & shannon, i hope you enjoy the show! i need food now...
Ok I have decided to watch the race from Dukes in ...
Ok I have decided to watch the race from Dukes in Riverside, Natalie is my server, race is on @ 3...
After looking at numbers, mainly bank account ones, and the fact my front wheel bearings need to be r and r'ed, I pulled the plug on this years event. Nothing like waiting 365 days to stay home, first time in over 12 years I wont be there. Things I will miss below...
1. Greg Wood's last Laguna Seca race, he is retiring from wrenching on bike #11 and touring in general.
2. Ben Spies last ride on the #11 Yamaha, he too is retiring, maybe because Greg is?
3. Casey Stoners last ride at Laguna Seca, he too is retiring.
4. McDonald's in Salinas, I like grabbing dinner on the way home here, I can see the hills where the race track is and I eat there thinking what it would be like to live there.
5. First year of the 990cc bikes being back in the sport, true beasts these are.
1. Greg Wood's last Laguna Seca race, he is retiring from wrenching on bike #11 and touring in general.
2. Ben Spies last ride on the #11 Yamaha, he too is retiring, maybe because Greg is?
3. Casey Stoners last ride at Laguna Seca, he too is retiring.
4. McDonald's in Salinas, I like grabbing dinner on the way home here, I can see the hills where the race track is and I eat there thinking what it would be like to live there.
5. First year of the 990cc bikes being back in the sport, true beasts these are.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Go Yamaha!
Girls from Yamaha I bribed to stand next to one of Kenny Roberts OW01 Yamaha's. This shot is from last year or 2011 for the calendar challenged, at Laguna Seca.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Still stressed...
I have to be somewhat nuts or stupid which ever side of the coin you are on I guess, but I am leaving for Laguna Seca tomorrow for the motoGP race. If all goes well I will be home late Sun early Mon. The Element is not 100%, one of the front wheel bearings is going out, I am taking a hub and bearing with me just in case and my AAA card.
I am stressed...
I am stressed...
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Lost & found
This is a shot of my 748, not the best pic but at least you can see what is going on. I had a bad hair day and a crabby model so nothing worked that day. I am thinking of turning this into a streetfighter...
Bike: 98 Ducati 748SPS
853 engine kit
916 injectors & computer
FBF 1/2 system carbon fibre cans
Marvic magnesium wheels
Ohlins rear shock
Bike: 98 Ducati 748SPS
853 engine kit
916 injectors & computer
FBF 1/2 system carbon fibre cans
Marvic magnesium wheels
Ohlins rear shock
Monday, July 23, 2012
Are you streesed out?
This week I am getting ready for the motoGP race in Monterey at Laguna Seca. My Element still needs a front wheel hub and bearing along with 2 more tires before I jam out. Passes are scarce at this point, for the first time in 15 years, maybe longer I might have to pay to get in, 5 hour drive to see if you are on the list...
This is Marco Simoncelli, he passed away a few races after I took these, this year was to be his season, nothing is ever a sure bet.
This is Marco Simoncelli, he passed away a few races after I took these, this year was to be his season, nothing is ever a sure bet.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
What else happens when cars and trucks are off the lift
Custom tattoo arm rests fly out of the Cali Irons side of the shop, and the guy below is always cracking jokes.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
The week is almost done...
I had a good day for sales yesterday, half my duties at work are in the customer service area so I make less $$$ than the regular sales staff, but when I have those kick ass selling days, I get good commission and that's what it is all about, achieving the level of the 1%!
I sold my first 50" light bar an item that retails for around $1400 and this will help greatly to achieve my goals in taking over the world. \m/ I am out!
I sold my first 50" light bar an item that retails for around $1400 and this will help greatly to achieve my goals in taking over the world. \m/ I am out!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Me Zombie!
So one day I might become a zombie, I hope not because I have been preparing for the zombie apocalypse for awhile now. Anyways arm yourselves and head shots!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Its a work day, off to the races...
I am getting ready to blitz to work, but I might not be me! Just who is Ragnarocker? Stay tuned...
Monday, July 16, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Going to work...
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Currently enjoying a Celtic coffee @ the Sire...
Currently enjoying a Celtic coffee @ the Sire...
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Brakes are done! Front hubs & bearings are next!
Brakes are done! Front hubs & bearings are next!
Brake this bitch...
I am off to RCK to gather items for a photo shoot and I will be doing the brakes on my Element. It is supposed to be over 100 today, we shall see, nothing like working on cars in the heat. Doing pics for a website that will showcase custom tattoo arm stands, let me know if you need a stand...
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
4th of July!
It is 4th of July in Riverside county, which means I cannot blow stuff up legally here at home. It is time for food...
Monday, July 2, 2012
Monday morning with Ragnarocker
Today I will be at DMV to secure the tags for my Element and then off to work at my day job where I sit at a desk and talk on the phone selling whips, lubes and chains. I am also working on the sequel to Delia vs the Space Worm, in fact it is in post production now, stay tuned. Vacation time is near, 3 1/2 weeks before Laguna Seca and I am getting ready slowly, it will be really cool to see the 990cc bikes again and taking a break from the b.s. of the world in general. Monterey is party town during motoGP and I intend on having a fandango.
Thats all for now, I must have more coffee and get ready to leave, stay classy readers.
Thats all for now, I must have more coffee and get ready to leave, stay classy readers.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
I update, you dream...
I didnt do much yesterday except get my Element smogged. Had Taco Bell for lunch, moved some silkscreen shit around the shop, came home.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
On the way to RCK
Today I am taking pictures of tattoo arm stands for Cali Irons. That is all. Over & out.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
RCK adventure

ok this pic is sideways, anyways jimbo is gonna fix lex, although he may not feel that he needs repairing...
Return of the Element
Got my E ride back, trying to get it smogged now, f-in CA laws are costing me a small fortune not too mention I am not 100% legal(car not me), I will be at DMV shortly, yay!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Shots of my little XR50/88cc, the beast that gets me to my mail box and back faster than the neighborhood dogs can run...
Takegawa 88cc kit
Sano swingarm
ProTaper bars
Regina RX chain
Works Performance shock
Takegawa 88cc kit
Sano swingarm
ProTaper bars
Regina RX chain
Works Performance shock
A moment with Ragnarocker doing work...
Have a beer with Ragnarocker
This was shot on May 26th, my first alcohol since Dec 2011.
I think this is a Buick...
This is what I looked at mostly yesterday after my trip through the ghetto. Moon would shit himself if he went on the bus trip I do.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Ghetto Bound 06-23
Today I am going into the heart of the ghetto in Riverside, CA. If all goes well I will take 2 public buses and walk to the RCK garage and experience excitement for the day. Who knows what will happen, only time will tell. See ya!
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